Readings for your journey

Building Habits Teresea Patton Building Habits Teresea Patton

Lessons in Failure

I hope you take the time to set goals that properly reflect your true desires…not the same old basic ones everyone sets because they “are supposed to.” If you want to know how to do that, I’ll hook you up!

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Are you a creature of habit or healing?

Are you a creature of habit or healing?

When you are out of sorts, what do you need- nourishment or comfort?

Nourishment provides comfort. When you are in an altered state of being (grief, sadness, stressed out, etc.), you want comfort. You want your comfy clothes, a pile of greasy fries or mashed potatoes with mac-n-cheese, and mind-numbing TV shows. What you need though is nourishment. 

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Why the Words You Use and the Habits You Choose Are Important

We are about to head into the holiday season so we are going to need a little extra help to be prepared and protect our health- mentally and physically. Do you know you could be hindering your progress without even knowing it??

If you are like me, you just said- “WHAT? Me? Getting in my own way? How could that be? I am the one that has the dream and wants to accomplish it so there’s no way that I would get in my own way.”

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Decrease Burnout and Overwhelm

How many times are you frustrated and just go buy something new rather than search through the crowded, junky spaces for it?

Guilty here!

So, clean your small spaces and make them more useful. This non-clutter makes it easier for you to find what you need and your stress level will be lots lower when you open the closet and nothing falls out.

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Experiencing Burnout and Overwhelm? Part 2

I’m not sure if it’s just the point in my life right now or if it was 2020...but either way, I’ve been fighting burnout for a bit.

What about you? Are you sitting there in your PJs for the third day in a row, wishing you bought two gallons of milk for all the cereal you have been eating? I mean, cereal is the breakfast of champs, so why not have it for all three meals?

If this sounds familiar, then you are probably experiencing some burnout or overwhelm.

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Experiencing Burnout and Overwhelm?

I’m not sure if it’s just the point in my life right now or if it was 2020...but either way, I’ve been fighting burnout for a bit.

What about you? Are you sitting there in your PJs for the third day in a row, wishing you bought two gallons of milk for all the cereal you have been eating? I mean, cereal is the breakfast of champs, so why not have it for all three meals?

If this sounds familiar, then you are probably experiencing some burnout or overwhelm.

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burnout, career burnout, boundaries Teresea Patton burnout, career burnout, boundaries Teresea Patton

Avoiding burnout is like not watching a train wreck...

You see it coming (sometimes) and it's hard to stop the weeks, months, or years of events that got you to this point. Do you really want to get on the bullet train where things blur past and you can’t see what is happening around you?

How does it happen and what did I do about it? Better yet, what could I have done to slow down, stop, or hopefully avoid it happening?

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Goal Setting, Building Habits, Habit Creation Teresea Patton Goal Setting, Building Habits, Habit Creation Teresea Patton

Resolutions are as Futile as Using Silly String in Your Tennis Shoes

Resolutions are not made in my house. This is the third or fourth year that I will not be making resolutions. They were never kept so why spend so much time and energy preparing for ONE specific day of the year to say “I’m going to do ALL these things starting tomorrow” then in a few weeks be stressed out and burnt out trying to overhaul your life. So this year, just like last year, I’m banning resolutions in the Patton household.

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self care, self love, mindfulness, mindset, habits Teresea Patton self care, self love, mindfulness, mindset, habits Teresea Patton

6 Ways to Improve Your Self-Love

Women tend to put others and their happiness ahead of their own. This has been taught to us as children by our parents, who were taught that by their parents, and their parents’ parents. Just because that is how it has been done in the past does not mean we have to perpetuate the cycle of self-abuse.

So how do we break the cycle and start loving ourselves in the way that we will reap the benefits?

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