Readings for your journey

Self Worth, Confidence, Empowerment Teresea Patton Self Worth, Confidence, Empowerment Teresea Patton

3 Ways to Boost Your Inner Feminine Juju!

Over the last decade, I have really dug into who I am, what I want, and how I feel about myself. Especially in the imperfectly perfect skin I’m in. Two divorces and two kids will absolutely make you rethink everything you thought you knew! For some of us, it happens sooner than others, but for me, that’s how long it took.

The year 2021 dealt me some blows. Hard shake you to the core blows. I have been lucky enough to know the above regimen well enough to know how impactful it is. In my dark time, I started with the first item.

Pay attention to how you feel after certain activities.

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Self Worth, Perfectionism Teresea Patton Self Worth, Perfectionism Teresea Patton

Why some women refuse help

If I took a half-day or heaven forbid, a WHOLE day to myself to do nothing...I had major guilt. The kind of guilt that pushed me into hyperdrive the next day or two to “make up” for being sooooo lazy. 

Most of all, I wanted to stay busy, TAKE CONTROL, and plan it ALLLLLLL down to the last detail! All those feelings made me like a voracious contestant that had three pots of coffee before stepping into a twisted productivity game show where winning meant checking off everything on your to-do list and your 10 closest friends.

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