Resolutions are as Futile as Using Silly String in Your Tennis Shoes

Resolutions are not made in my house. This is the third or fourth year that I will not be making resolutions. They were never kept so why spend so much time and energy preparing for ONE specific day of the year to say “I’m going to do ALL these things starting tomorrow” then in a few weeks be stressed out and burnt out trying to overhaul your life.

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So this year, just like last year, I’m banning resolutions in the Patton household. 

Resolutions serve no real purpose for most of us.

Now, I’m not talking about goals, I’m talking about a real, fundamental desire for change. Not the I’m doing this because “I should lose weight,” “make $100K a year,” or because “I’ll be happy when I have a bigger house.” Those are all things you are told that you want. 

Wanna make BIG change? 

You can but it doesn’t have to start any day other than the day YOU decide. 

And you have to have a strong WHY to make that change consistent. 


Are you asking how I improve without resolutions? What do I do on New Year’s Eve while watching the ball drop if I’m not reciting my resolutions??? 

I make new habits every three to six months- not always on January 1st.  I have been successful when starting with only one or two items and focus at a time. They need to be something that is going to have a huge impact on me and accomplish a specific goal. Goals are good- they help you win the game!

Have you ever had a bad habit?

I’m sure you did it for a LONG time before you realized it was hard to stop that habit. It takes time and once it sticks, it’s hard to “unstick” that sucker! Same thing with making a good habit.  Most research says it takes 21 days to create a habit, 90 days to make it stick...but for some of us it takes longer than that. So what’s the key? 

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Some of it is due to the ease, the important one is your mindset around the habit. When you believe in the importance of the “change” and can be your own cheerleader, then you will rock this ability to “upgrade” your life from here on out!

  1. Why is this habit important?

  2. What is the outcome you want to accomplish by creating this habit?

  3. How can you make it stick for YOU?

  4. What is your plan?

  5. You can make it happen when you want it….REALLY want it. 


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I went into the year 2020 looking to make massive changes and I did. I wanted to grow my business and clean up my health.

Two goals. Twelve months.

Every three months I set new mini-goals for those two life-changing goals.

And you know what. 

I reached my health goal first...then exceeded it!

I have been mostly plant-based for 2020 and it was SO much easier than I expected. I talked myself into the benefits and now I feel better, weigh less, and many of my stomach issues have resolved. My “why” was to feel better and resolve my stomach issues...bonus result was losing 20 pounds!!!

Business goals were reached the same way. 

  • Decide what the goal is. 

  • Figure out what steps I need to take to get there. 

  • Plan for the steps so I can be successful. 

This year included a lot of batching and scheduling to get this success. What kind of batching? For my health change, meal planning and prepping for the food I needed to put in my body. This fueled me and gave me the mental capacity to work on my businesses. Without so many decisions to make in a day, I could free up my mind to be creative instead of stressed over making pasta or potatoes. 

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Each 90 days I added one more step to my plan, getting another step closer to my goal.

This building habits has served me WAY better than any stinkin’ resolution.

This is what I want to help you learn how to do. Set goals. Make SOLID plans. Achieve your dreams. 

Welcoming 2021 with open arms,



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