Experiencing Burnout and Overwhelm? Part 2

Last time we talked about cleaning your space. I hope you found the information helpful, and you were able to get some stuff cleared out of your space and some of your overwhelm went out with it. Now we are going to move on to something a little harder to manage but is SO worth the effort. After you read this, I would encourage you to spend 30-45 minutes working through some of these items.

Clean your mind.

Sarah Knight asks a great question to help you with this; “Does it bring you joy or does it annoy?” 

(Her podcast No F*cks Given has been my latest obsession but you can find out more here.)

Honestly, initially, I laughed because I thought it was funny and so incredibly accurate I wasn’t sure how no one else had said this before. Looking at your to-do list and your calendar, this question makes it very clear what you want to get off your mind or your calendar. How many times have you said yes, agreeing to do something you don’t want to do? Well, that is probably going to end up on your “annoy” list. 


The “yes” brain needs to go. 

Unplug it for a minute…or five!

Stop and think before you commit to ANYTHING. I’ve read that mothers are asked about 300-400 questions a day by young children. A mother typically asks 100 a day. That is a lot of decision-making in a day so only say yes if you really want to do it or it really matters. 

One of the things that really made a huge difference for me and allowed me to say “no” more often is the concept of trading time for money. It’s a huge part of what Jenna Kutcher and other women that own their own businesses talk about. 

What does that mean? 

For me that means saving the 30ish minutes it takes me to drive to/from the grocery store, the 30-60 minutes searching the store to find specific items for the week, and the time and annoyance of standing in line to purchase said items, by paying a small fee to have someone else do it for me. I can also “shop” while waiting on my coffee to brew, while I’m sitting in my hammock on the porch, or when it’s 11 PM and I can’t sleep.


It fits into the small areas of life instead of becoming an ordeal that takes up time I don’t want to give up. 

Tell perfection to take a hike and don’t come back!


I know that’s easier said than done but if the burnt, dried tofu didn’t kill you, then you accomplished two of your necessary goals for the day and you can check them off your list.

  1. Eat

  2. Survive 

Feels good, doesn’t it?  


You can try for less dry, less burnt tofu next time. Lesson learned.

(OK…that IS an exaggeration but in my mind, it was that bad!)

For those that know me, I like to be able to do anything right the first time. If I’m being honest, I probably have a 60% “perfect as I can get the damn thing right the first time” rate. But I strive for 100% every time. The internal conversation about why it wasn’t perfect and if it needs to be done again or just agonize over it until next time is all too familiar. That takes up way too much energy and leaves you feeling drained. So let’s help perfection pack its backpack and push it out the door. 

stack of hats.jpg

Don’t put on - or add - another hat, ladies! 

We all have had to “wear the hat” for the right role at the right time. Stop trying to be the less sensitive self; the more assertive self; the best mom/daughter/spouse self. Speak your truth and wear your favorite hat ALL the time. It fits, looks good, and goes with everything!

When you don’t speak up and act on your true nature, it’s like having different actors all playing the same character in a different stage of their lives. It reminds me of the body-swapping movies, but with a very David Lynch-like production quality. 

When Work Teresea slept in and Real Teresea showed up, I felt more energized at the end of the day. There was an odd blur between logging out and stepping into the kitchen. It was still me. I was wearing my favorite bandana and had the same demeanor the whole time.


This felt so different than coming home and taking off the Work Teresea costume and waiting to feel comfortable in my yoga pants and t-shirt. 

Be aware of your surroundings and be grateful. 

It’s easy to look at your surroundings and think, “I WISH.” But how about looking around and saying “Wow” at the same scenery? You might want to live in a 3000 sq ft home with a pool but pay attention to where you are living now. Think about the things you like in your surroundings (the dogwood tree, the screened-in porch, the nice shower head you bought on a lightning deal), and be grateful for those nice things. 

This slight change does something amazing for your energy and the energy of the home. I know that sounds woo-woo, but when I do this, somehow I am excited about my house again. Without even really making a big deal about it or stressing over the cost of what “I wish” I could do, there have been nice additions to space when I think about it differently.


Sometimes, it’s just rearranging, buying a new set of pillow covers, or building a new garden box to add to my view.

Or a cup of afternoon tea.

Help your mind chill

  1. The “yes” brain needs to go. Stop and think before you commit. Only say yes if you really want to do it. 

  2. Tell perfection to take a hike.

  3. Speak your truth. Don’t put on another hat. 

  4. Be aware of your surroundings and be grateful. 

Let me know how it’s going with spring cleaning your surroundings!!! Leave a comment below.

Peace and love,


Photo credit: Unsplash


Decrease Burnout and Overwhelm


Experiencing Burnout and Overwhelm?