Decrease Burnout and Overwhelm

How many times are you frustrated and just go buy something new rather than search through the crowded, junky spaces for it? 

Guilty here! 


So, clean your small spaces and make them more useful. This “non-clutter” makes it easier for you to find what you need and your stress level will be lots lower when you open the closet and nothing falls (or climbs) out. 

Clean your car

Most of us aren’t driving as much as we used to but it’s still nice to get into a clean car. It feels good; it is also nice when you don’t have to move trash for your kid to get in the back. The dust builds up in there faster than it should when you only use it once or twice a week…trust me.


I am notorious for having a ton of stuff in my car at all times. A “trunk” organizer is also good for a hatchback and it can be as simple or complex as you need (one child and cats versus three children and a dog means very different needs). I do NOT need a minivan or I will end up living life like a crazy person.

‘No room in the house?

Just store it in the van until we find a place for it!’

Clean your closets

How many times do you look in your hall closet, digging for your rain boots until you just decide to say “F it” and pray your socks don’t get too wet when you inevitably step in a puddle? 

What about that attachment for the vacuum cleaner that would make life easier? If you need inspiration for how to use ANY closet...this site has some really good ideas for you. 


I hadn’t planned to re-organize my hall closet this weekend but now I’m pretty excited! 

How often do you say “I have nothing to wear” because you don’t want to dig around in the back of the closet for something with long sleeves? 

If you have a nice space, this blog is pretty handy for organizing clothes. Some of the “small storage” and rolling storage ideas would be good for hall closets, bathroom storage if you are lucky enough to have a closet, or just shelves that need to look like you use the products rather than sell them.

spring cleaning laundry.jpg

This needs to realistically happen 1-2 times a year so you can always find the boots, snow gear, or vacuum attachment when needed.

Also, you can toss out that stadium pal you bought two years ago and only used at that one game...why did you think that was a good thing to keep??? 

The skeletons in the back...well, only you know what to do with those! 

Organize Outside Storage

Science tells us how good the outdoors is for us and it’s getting to be that time of year for us to be outside. So you want to be able to enjoy that time, right? Then organize your outside to be useable for your outdoor activities. 


Do you enjoy fires? Make sure it’s easy to get to your fire pit, wood, and accessories...and equally as easy to put them away later.

(I would suggest a nice cover from Amazon for the firepit and chairs that stack so you can put them up and not take up to much space.)

Got a pool? Think about your floats, cleaning supplies, and towels. Are they stored conveniently or is it a hassle to get out to enjoy the pool? 

The time you spend outside rejuvenating can save your life...literally! Less stress means fewer heart problems, better blood pressure, and less depression.


We can all use less of that, right? 

Need some inspiration? This site will give you some options that will work inside or outside. If you are a little crafty...this might be a good place to check out.  

Make life easier to access and enjoy.

  1. Clean the small spaces that clutter the corners of your space.

  2. Have “feel good” spaces around you. 

  3. Less clutter means less searching.  

  4. Keep things easy to enjoy.

Now that you have cleaned out your clutter (literally and figuratively), how are you feeling? Is life a little more enjoyable? 

Leave a comment and let me know what was most helpful for you in this three-part series. 

Peace and love,


Photo credit: Unsplash


It Is Time For Your Mid-Year Check-Up!


Experiencing Burnout and Overwhelm? Part 2