Readings for your journey

authenticity, self love, self judgment Teresea Patton authenticity, self love, self judgment Teresea Patton

Celebrate Your Participation Trophy with Pride

We live in an age where kids get Participation Trophies for everything. For a long time, I hated that tradition. But, dare I say it? I can see the value (now) in recognizing the strength and hard work that person put into something. Especially when things didn’t work out like they hoped, or dreamed they would.  I'll show you how to celebrate yourself.

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career, authenticity, passionate living Teresea Patton career, authenticity, passionate living Teresea Patton

Choose Yourself

For many years I have felt a pull toward my version of freedom. 

After many years in successful but unfulfilling jobs, I started trying to figure out what was wrong with me. (It had to be me right?) Why didn’t I like the “good jobs” I had? Why did I feel so out of place? 

Then I realized I was a generic employee, leaving my talents at home.

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