Readings for your journey

authenticity, self love, self judgment Teresea Patton authenticity, self love, self judgment Teresea Patton

Celebrate Your Participation Trophy with Pride

We live in an age where kids get Participation Trophies for everything. For a long time, I hated that tradition. But, dare I say it? I can see the value (now) in recognizing the strength and hard work that person put into something. Especially when things didn’t work out like they hoped, or dreamed they would.  I'll show you how to celebrate yourself.

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Overcoming Fear, self love Teresea Patton Overcoming Fear, self love Teresea Patton

Sacrifice Fear This Halloween

I invite you to look deep into your soul and ask yourself the following.

What am I putting first in my life that really would serve better as a sacrifice?

Is there something rational thoughts tell me is not working for me?

Why am I forcing myself to keep putting that thing first when I know love is better for my life?

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3 Tips for a Better Relationship with Yourself

If we have no boundaries, it’s like the wild west up in our lives. It isn’t as cool as it sounds, trust me!

It’s not like Tombstone where the lawless people coming into our lives are taken care of by a group of attractive men with good hearts, quick hands, and good aim. In real life, we have to be our own saviors. 

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Trauma, self judgment, self love Teresea Patton Trauma, self judgment, self love Teresea Patton

4 Ways to Lessen Impacts of Trauma

This workshop provided us with knowledge, techniques, and time to reflect on how trauma has impacted our journey in life. We were encouraged to think about how we interact with others (family, friends, clients, students, etc) that might have trauma we don’t know about. (Pretty much everyone has it even if they haven’t come to terms with it.) Diane walked us through ways to get back to a regulated state and move away from a deregulated state. 

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self care, mental health, self love Teresea Patton self care, mental health, self love Teresea Patton

Shower Thoughts…Part Two-Conditioner

Hey girl!! you need a shower?

I’m not talking about the kind where you clean your body...the kind where you clean and renew your soul! I heard someone say the other day “there’s nothing like a good shower cry.” All the women were like OMG YES!!!! That is the best! They were right...there’s no better place to cry your heart out than in the shower!

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self care, mental health, self love Teresea Patton self care, mental health, self love Teresea Patton

Shower Thoughts…Part One-Shampoo

Hey girl!! you need a shower?

I’m not talking about the kind where you clean your body...the kind where you clean and renew your soul! I heard someone say the other day “there’s nothing like a good shower cry.” All the women were like OMG YES!!!! That is the best! They were right...there’s no better place to cry your heart out than in the shower!

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boundaries, Building Habits, self love Teresea Patton boundaries, Building Habits, self love Teresea Patton

What is love?

Merriam Webster has many definitions for this popular “L” word. The one that is most closely associated with the majority of the “acceptable societal view” is the definition of love as a strong affection for another- to hold dear.

Almost all of the definitions refer to this feeling about another person or to be on the receiving end of this feeling from another. I wonder why there is not a definition that includes affection for oneself.

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self love, confidence, intuition Teresea Patton self love, confidence, intuition Teresea Patton

What does it mean to trust your gut?

What does it mean to trust your gut?

You know when you get the knot in your gut about a decision and later you regret that decision? That is your body, your intuition telling you NOT to do what you are about to do.

Why does this happen? It is your inner guide, your higher power, God, the universe...whatever you want to call it, it is telling you to PAY ATTENTION!

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self care, self love, mindfulness, mindset, habits Teresea Patton self care, self love, mindfulness, mindset, habits Teresea Patton

6 Ways to Improve Your Self-Love

Women tend to put others and their happiness ahead of their own. This has been taught to us as children by our parents, who were taught that by their parents, and their parents’ parents. Just because that is how it has been done in the past does not mean we have to perpetuate the cycle of self-abuse.

So how do we break the cycle and start loving ourselves in the way that we will reap the benefits?

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Breaking the Self-Judgement Cycle

What is self-judgment? This is when you have thoughts about yourself or your actions that cause emotions that negatively affect you. Typically you will start feeling anxious, depressed, or even get angry at yourself for thinking or doing something. Many times negative self-talk accompanies these thoughts as they are like two peas in a pod.

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