Readings for your journey

Decrease Burnout and Overwhelm

How many times are you frustrated and just go buy something new rather than search through the crowded, junky spaces for it?

Guilty here!

So, clean your small spaces and make them more useful. This non-clutter makes it easier for you to find what you need and your stress level will be lots lower when you open the closet and nothing falls out.

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Experiencing Burnout and Overwhelm? Part 2

I’m not sure if it’s just the point in my life right now or if it was 2020...but either way, I’ve been fighting burnout for a bit.

What about you? Are you sitting there in your PJs for the third day in a row, wishing you bought two gallons of milk for all the cereal you have been eating? I mean, cereal is the breakfast of champs, so why not have it for all three meals?

If this sounds familiar, then you are probably experiencing some burnout or overwhelm.

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Experiencing Burnout and Overwhelm?

I’m not sure if it’s just the point in my life right now or if it was 2020...but either way, I’ve been fighting burnout for a bit.

What about you? Are you sitting there in your PJs for the third day in a row, wishing you bought two gallons of milk for all the cereal you have been eating? I mean, cereal is the breakfast of champs, so why not have it for all three meals?

If this sounds familiar, then you are probably experiencing some burnout or overwhelm.

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