Readings for your journey

boundaries, habits, holiday stress Teresea Patton boundaries, habits, holiday stress Teresea Patton

Deck the Halls With Boundaries!

I guess your holidays were much calmer than the ones I had growing up!

You had to know where you could or couldn’t sit (the kid table or the grown-up table).

When crazy cousin Cheryl starts dancing with music, you needed to decide if you gotta get out of there quick or if you put up with it because you feel like you can’t leave?

How do you decide your boundaries?

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habits, boundaries Teresea Patton habits, boundaries Teresea Patton

Stuff the Turkey, NOT Your Feelings

When you stuff your feelings, it’s like waiting for an explosion until you finally reach the amount you can stuff. I visualize it as an older suitcase that you put in all things you had. Then you get more stuff to shove barely closes then but before you know it you are opening it to shove something else in and finally it won’t shut. So you put the suitcase on the floor, hop up and down on it trying to get the clasp to reach and finally….

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habits, productivity Teresea Patton habits, productivity Teresea Patton

My favorite stress busting activity at work

We always think about things we have to do at home to prepare for the holidays, but what about the things at work? We know there are always things that we’ve put off until we are preparing to go on vacation! and then they needed to be done yesterday. So what happens? We make a list.

AH…lists! This is the story of a love-hate relationship with productivity.

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self care, habits, healthy eating Teresea Patton self care, habits, healthy eating Teresea Patton

Self-Care Through Food

What is self-care anyway? Sounds woo woo.

I don’t think I ever heard that term until I was in my mid-20s. How could that be? Until it hit me, we as women are constantly putting ourselves LAST.

To this day, I still don’t know when my mom really takes a break and does something totally and completely for herself. Not sure I know for the other older women around me either.

But after everything I’ve learned since becoming a Certified Health Coach (CHC), I now know that,


Speaking of essential, it’s 2020 and everything is essential.

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self care, habits, self judgment Teresea Patton self care, habits, self judgment Teresea Patton

How are you keeping up with your mental health?

We’ve been in a global pandemic during an election year with major civil unrest around the world and a pretty abnormal school year for most of us so…I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a struggle some days. It’s been SEVEN LONG months of adjusting at my house. How about at yours? For most of us, any one of the things above are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the answer of “what’s been going on?” How are you REALLY doing?

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self care, self love, mindfulness, mindset, habits Teresea Patton self care, self love, mindfulness, mindset, habits Teresea Patton

6 Ways to Improve Your Self-Love

Women tend to put others and their happiness ahead of their own. This has been taught to us as children by our parents, who were taught that by their parents, and their parents’ parents. Just because that is how it has been done in the past does not mean we have to perpetuate the cycle of self-abuse.

So how do we break the cycle and start loving ourselves in the way that we will reap the benefits?

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Breaking the Self-Judgement Cycle

What is self-judgment? This is when you have thoughts about yourself or your actions that cause emotions that negatively affect you. Typically you will start feeling anxious, depressed, or even get angry at yourself for thinking or doing something. Many times negative self-talk accompanies these thoughts as they are like two peas in a pod.

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