Lessons in Failure

Picture it. January 1, 2022 and you are writing down your resolutions for 2022. 

  1. Exercise more.

  2. Save more $$$$!

  3. Finally take a real vacation.

Now fast forward to December 30, 2022. You start setting new resolutions for yourself. Looking back you realize that you didn’t keep one resolution you set.

You can’t remember the last time walked farther than the mailbox.

Your savings account is still in the double digits.

That trip to your cousin’s house in the next town over wasn’t really a vacation but you did get four days off in a row for the holidays.

You failed to meet this vague goal you set for yourself and stick to a plan, no matter how small. Do you feel like a failure? 

Or do you ask yourself what happened over the year that kept you from meeting the goal?

When your brain tells you that you failed to meet the goal, you can spin out of control. But you don’t have to. You just learn and make next year a little better.

I don’t set resolutions. That seems too temporary. I set goals that create habits to better my life. Here’s what I didn’t do this year and how it helped me to be a better person. 

I didn’t share my blog posts with anyone that was not on my email list. 

These things I write are to help you, dear reader. They are lessons I’ve learned, things I’ve experienced, and hopefully, the flashlight lighting your path to a better way of living. But…if I don’t share and get it out to as many people that need it, my business won’t grow-oops! 

My goal this year was consistency, not growth. I realized that I expected growth from my consistency. This goal did help me create the consistency I wanted. I was worried I couldn’t keep up. Seeing now that I CAN do this but need help if I want to do more, I decided to find a VA …and I found one!

I did not financially prepare to have a car payment this year.

Like most of us, I thought I had more time before I needed a new car than I actually did. My savings (intended to be the emergency fund and/or down payment of at least $5K) went to keeping the car running and enjoying a little travel time in 2022! 

But…now, I have a payment and a higher interest rate (thank you inflation!) than expected. 

I had fun and I learned a lot so I’m not too sad about the “loss” of the downpayment. Also, an upside is I have reliable transportation, and peace of mind is needed over here!


Me during the SK Tours in Bangor…loved it!

I didn’t make a valiant effort to pitch my services. 

Going into 2022 I had big plans for a couple of workshops, a group coaching plan, and a hundred other fun ideas. Then, I think I only offered ONE coaching workshop in 2022…but that could have been at the end of 2021. 

In May or June, I decided to combine my businesses (coaching and art) since those are the things I’m most passionate about in life. It had been on my mind for a while and it came time to just do it. This took a lot of behind-the-scenes work and I wasn’t going to offer something I didn’t feel solid about. 

Now I have one main way of marketing my products and services. Combining these items really made me look at why I do each of them and how they go together. In the most simple way I know how to put it…I love seeing people find a better way to do something they care about. If that is in a creative expression (making or owning art) or in how you interact in this world, I want to help you find it!

I also failed to treat my body the way it needs to be treated…

AKA I skipped too many days on my yoga mat, walking with friends, etc. for the comfort of my “work.” Writing for you doesn’t feel like work. Making jewelry doesn’t feel like work. Those are things I’m passionate about and are SO much more fun than doing a plank (or 5). 

But I should have taken more little breaks for this. That “should” is one I do feel like I can own without shame. I learned the hard way and got back to it in late November.

I learned that I’m blessed to be paid for doing things I love and can still take a break. Listening to my body in feel-good times is just as valuable as in feel-bad times. I am stronger than I realized.

I think this year my goal will be to remember these four things at all times.

  1. Every goal has lessons with either result. The one with lessons learned from the one that missed the goal as well as from the side that brought home the gold.

  2. Sometimes you just didn’t plan well. Be sure that the results you want can be met with your goal. Getting a gym membership doesn’t cause weight loss or muscle gain unless you use it correctly. 

  3. Be true to your values. Don’t make promises you can’t (or don’t know how to) keep.

  4. Coming up short on your goals doesn’t mean you didn’t make tremendous strides forward. 

I hope you take the time to set goals that properly reflect your true desires…not the same old basic ones everyone sets because they “are supposed to.” If you want to know how to do that, let a gal know! I’ll hook you up!

Recently I shared my wins with email subscribers. I’m always so thankful when I get those emails that let me know you resonated with the situation. If you aren’t on the list, sign up here to get all the good info I share. 

Peace and love,



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