Readings for your journey

Are you a creature of habit or healing?

Are you a creature of habit or healing?

When you are out of sorts, what do you need- nourishment or comfort?

Nourishment provides comfort. When you are in an altered state of being (grief, sadness, stressed out, etc.), you want comfort. You want your comfy clothes, a pile of greasy fries or mashed potatoes with mac-n-cheese, and mind-numbing TV shows. What you need though is nourishment. 

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Why the Words You Use and the Habits You Choose Are Important

We are about to head into the holiday season so we are going to need a little extra help to be prepared and protect our health- mentally and physically. Do you know you could be hindering your progress without even knowing it??

If you are like me, you just said- “WHAT? Me? Getting in my own way? How could that be? I am the one that has the dream and wants to accomplish it so there’s no way that I would get in my own way.”

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Goal Setting, Building Habits, Habit Creation Teresea Patton Goal Setting, Building Habits, Habit Creation Teresea Patton

Resolutions are as Futile as Using Silly String in Your Tennis Shoes

Resolutions are not made in my house. This is the third or fourth year that I will not be making resolutions. They were never kept so why spend so much time and energy preparing for ONE specific day of the year to say “I’m going to do ALL these things starting tomorrow” then in a few weeks be stressed out and burnt out trying to overhaul your life. So this year, just like last year, I’m banning resolutions in the Patton household.

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