Readings for your journey

Authenticity, Values Teresea Patton Authenticity, Values Teresea Patton

I’m not buying into FOMO

All. The. Sales!

How does one decide?

How does one afford to take everyone up on every opportunity they want to grab?

They likely can’t so they either delete them all thinking things are terrible because they can’t afford all the cool things. Or buy them all and go into more and more debt resulting in feeling bad about their finances.

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Purpose, passionate living Teresea Patton Purpose, passionate living Teresea Patton

4 Ways I Live my Purpose

Many times in my life people have asked me why I love making jewelry, what inspires me to paint, and why I feel compelled to coach other women. Those questions often short-circuit and confuse my brain. Putting my feelings into words often feels like an impossibly complicated task. 

“Because I love it” is the truth but not the full truth. Something less than the full truth doesn’t resonate with me or the person I’m talking to. What will resonate with them?

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authenticity, self love, self judgment Teresea Patton authenticity, self love, self judgment Teresea Patton

Celebrate Your Participation Trophy with Pride

We live in an age where kids get Participation Trophies for everything. For a long time, I hated that tradition. But, dare I say it? I can see the value (now) in recognizing the strength and hard work that person put into something. Especially when things didn’t work out like they hoped, or dreamed they would.  I'll show you how to celebrate yourself.

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career, authenticity, passionate living Teresea Patton career, authenticity, passionate living Teresea Patton

Choose Yourself

For many years I have felt a pull toward my version of freedom. 

After many years in successful but unfulfilling jobs, I started trying to figure out what was wrong with me. (It had to be me right?) Why didn’t I like the “good jobs” I had? Why did I feel so out of place? 

Then I realized I was a generic employee, leaving my talents at home.

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Pattoning Something New!

For 2 years I have split myself. It hasn’t been serving me from the beginning.

There was something in the back of my mind telling me I was working on goals and schedules that were not sustainable. I just had to get in the right groove, the right mindset, the right *insert next catchy buzz word here.I told that voice it was underestimating me and to sit back and quietly watch me do the impossible. When inside I was fighting against the current with all I had.

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self love, confidence, intuition Teresea Patton self love, confidence, intuition Teresea Patton

What does it mean to trust your gut?

What does it mean to trust your gut?

You know when you get the knot in your gut about a decision and later you regret that decision? That is your body, your intuition telling you NOT to do what you are about to do.

Why does this happen? It is your inner guide, your higher power, God, the universe...whatever you want to call it, it is telling you to PAY ATTENTION!

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