What does it mean to trust your gut?

You know when you get the knot in your gut about a decision and later you regret that decision? That is your body, your intuition telling you NOT to do what you are about to do. 

Why does this happen?



It is your inner guide, your higher power, God, the universe...whatever you want to call it, it is telling you to PAY ATTENTION!

For those that know me well, you know I have not always enjoyed having female friends.

I was a loner, one of the guys. 

I was tough and wouldn't listen to anyone.

No drama, no feelings.  

I told others who I was, hoping I would believe it. 

At some point I found myself at the point of feeling so fake I didn't even feel comfortable in my own clothes. (I was in the grocery store or I would have completely stripped down to my undies then and there!) What was I going to do with this information? 

How was I going to make a change? 

Have you ever felt this way?

All this effort I put into being someone else that people liked and if they didn't, I didn't give an F! Or so I said, but I really kinda did care since I was trying to be a person they approved of…


I was at the point I felt burnt out...charred beyond the normal "burnt" my life was at that point.

What happened? I had stopped trusting my intuition and let someone else guide my life. I let this happen for Nine. Long. Years.

I started looking for something more. A way to show up as the REAL me but...the problem was I wasn’t even sure who that was anymore. I had to take a long hard look at what I liked to do and let me tell you, that was one heck of a journey. I’m thankful you are part of this journey with me. 

Self-reflection ended up being a super strong skill I developed or maybe was natural but I had ignored it for so long, it seemed like a new skill! I read books, listened to podcasts, attended webinars, and journaled with a fury like I never had before.


I even bought special pens (it was for the journal not because I like office supplies!)!

Slowly my intuition started to return. Not only did I have those feelings, but I listened to them. I built a network with other ladies that were in the same place as me...hiding shit we don’t think we should feel or show to the world. This is not how women are made to navigate this world. We are made to feel, think, express, and care for all kinds of things. We know things innately and inexplicably when we open ourselves to listening.

If you are struggling with confidence and trusting yourself I have some suggestions.

These are tidbits that I have collected that seemed super helpful for me. 

  1. Make a list of as many things you can think of that you were right about when others didn’t believe or you made a choice based on a hunch or feeling.

  2. Spend some time thinking/journaling about what is keeping you from being confident. Maybe that ugly boy Mark in 5th grade said “all girls are dumb” and your ego said “ok” so it still believes that today. 

  3. Reframe your “why” from “Mark said it so it must be true” to “I’m smart because I’ve graduated college” or “I’m smart because I attained a complex, high paying job.”

  4. Say positive things about yourself, your choices, and smile when you say them. 


Trusting your instinct will be one of the fastest ways to build our confidence.

That means when you know it’s a bad idea, don’t go there (actual place or in a relationship). When it feels right, take the chance and do it.

Peace and love, 


Photo credit: Unsplash


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