I’m not buying into FOMO

Every now and then I look on the internet to find the Moon phase (mostly looking for the full moon) and I found bad info on my first selection. 

It said there were TWO full moons happening in October. OMG! Be still my beating heart! The 1st and 31st. A FULL MOON ON HALLOWEEN 😍

My FAVORITE time of the year is Halloween.

Then I saw 2020. 

Dejection hit and I left that page. 

Moon Cycle 2023” was my next entry. 

September 29, 2023 - Harvest Moon

October 28, 2023 - Hunter’s Moon

One full moon near Halloween.

Why was I looking for the full moon? FOMO.

Who wants to miss out on something so beautiful, and mesmerizing…and only is available to see once a month? Unless you caught it in October 2020… 

So many offers today are like the full moon. 

Photo credit: Unsplash

While I want you to have a beautiful and mesmerizing experience…that does have a limited window of time…I don’t want you to feel icky and rushed to decide.

This is why I’m trying to take FOMO out of my offers. What does that look like? Well, I’m not 100% sure. 

When people experience FOMO it has a greater impact than you may realize. If your inbox looks like most, at least 50% of your emails are offers at any given time. 

All. The. Sales! How does one decide?

How does one afford to take everyone up on every opportunity they want to grab? 

They likely can’t so they either delete them all thinking things are terrible because they can’t afford all the cool things. Or buy them all and go into more and more debt resulting in feeling bad about their finances. 

Both sides of the FOMO coin.

I’ve always hated it and found myself gravitating towards the month-long offers. Rarely do I get spa-type services but when I do, I look for places that give you a full month to take advantage of an offer. “Our October special is…” is one of my favorite things to read. 

When looking for programs and coaching services, I often look for what is called an “evergreen” offer. Meaning, it’s always available. This helps me plan financially and allows me to manage my time. I’ve bought many things I couldn’t do right then only because it was only offered for a week (or on Black Friday). Wanna guess how many I completed?

(Spoiler alert…not very many)

Photo credit: Unsplash

There are already enough negative impacts on our physical and mental well-being that I don’t want to add to that. I want to tell you the truth about things so you can make the best decision. Pop-ups and one-day sales happen all the time. 

Often these sales are advertised a few days before and that kinda look like pushing FOMO but it isn’t always. Do they tell you why they are doing the popup? Usually with entrepreneurs because they have limited inventory or something new they are testing out. Sometimes it’s a holiday sale or a birthday celebration. 

I have been thinking about doing some one-day sales for my jewelry from now until the end of the year. If I do, there will likely be a schedule of sorts (Ex: every Thursday from now until Christmas with inventory that will vary because I hand-make everything and there’s no telling what I’ll make tomorrow!) and I can get it all figured out before I start. **Be on the lookout for more info!

My plan is simple. I want to create excitement for what I have but I don’t want to create anxiety. I will keep learning from others who do this so I am mindful of my words and techniques so I give you the best value I can. 

These are the three things I know that I want you to see and know. 

  • FOMO creates anxiety that you might be left out…that’s not my style.

My goal is to create a community of togetherness. Yes, I’m an idealistic hippie sometimes but...it’s better than creating a club that excludes people. Maybe because I wasn’t one of the cool kids back in the day. I graduated a long time ago.

I want you to be excited about coming to work with me. Yes, it will be work but it will be fun and worth it! We are going to create a nurturing environment that allows you to focus on what you want, take a deep breath, and get started. 

  • Information upfront. 

There is no reeling you in with all the bonuses or hyping you up with all the buzzwords. The price is not going to be a big secret held in until the last minute. I’m giving the information I would want upfront. Having all the information upfront allows me to make a decision I think is best for me…not decide on an impulse. 

When I’m formulating ideas, I might throw some info out and see what the interest is. This is more for you than me. I want to know what you need. Something I asked my email subscribers was “Podcast or YouTube?” (Not on that list? Get in here. It’s easy!)

  • Good fits are necessary.

I don’t offer something for everyone. I offer a few specific things in coaching and a certain style in my jewelry design. 

As a matter of fact, it wasn’t until this weekend I could put my finger on it. My offerings are timeless, not trendy. They are not for the basic or mainstream. I’m not for basic ass people. I’m also not for everyone that isn’t basic. It’s fine. I’ll find my people or they’ll find me. 

We have to be a good fit to make it work. 


Thank you for taking the time to read. Leave me a comment to let me know what you think.

Peace and love,



Jewelry or Coaching? 


Bad at Boundaries