Readings for your journey

authenticity, self love, self judgment Teresea Patton authenticity, self love, self judgment Teresea Patton

Celebrate Your Participation Trophy with Pride

We live in an age where kids get Participation Trophies for everything. For a long time, I hated that tradition. But, dare I say it? I can see the value (now) in recognizing the strength and hard work that person put into something. Especially when things didn’t work out like they hoped, or dreamed they would.  I'll show you how to celebrate yourself.

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Trauma, self judgment, self love Teresea Patton Trauma, self judgment, self love Teresea Patton

4 Ways to Lessen Impacts of Trauma

This workshop provided us with knowledge, techniques, and time to reflect on how trauma has impacted our journey in life. We were encouraged to think about how we interact with others (family, friends, clients, students, etc) that might have trauma we don’t know about. (Pretty much everyone has it even if they haven’t come to terms with it.) Diane walked us through ways to get back to a regulated state and move away from a deregulated state. 

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self care, habits, self judgment Teresea Patton self care, habits, self judgment Teresea Patton

How are you keeping up with your mental health?

We’ve been in a global pandemic during an election year with major civil unrest around the world and a pretty abnormal school year for most of us so…I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a struggle some days. It’s been SEVEN LONG months of adjusting at my house. How about at yours? For most of us, any one of the things above are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the answer of “what’s been going on?” How are you REALLY doing?

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Breaking the Self-Judgement Cycle

What is self-judgment? This is when you have thoughts about yourself or your actions that cause emotions that negatively affect you. Typically you will start feeling anxious, depressed, or even get angry at yourself for thinking or doing something. Many times negative self-talk accompanies these thoughts as they are like two peas in a pod.

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