Readings for your journey

Gratitude Practice, Mindset, Coaching Teresea Patton Gratitude Practice, Mindset, Coaching Teresea Patton

The reason you need a gratitude practice

In the pursuit of personal growth, gratitude is one of the most transformative tools you can use. In this blog I explore why incorporating a gratitude practice into your journey is a critical step toward achieving your goals. If you are seeking a mindset or life coach to navigate life's complexities and unlock your full potential, I’m here to help!

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Self development, Coaching, Mindset Teresea Patton Self development, Coaching, Mindset Teresea Patton

The value of self-investment

I think people should learn to trust their instincts, learn to think for themselves, and be able to manage without me.

With coaching, you are going to have a period of growth where you're like oh sh!t, I'm in some stuff I don't really know how to figure out. That’s when you find a coach that you are in alignment with and have them help you figure the sh!t out.

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Mindset, Overcoming Fear Teresea Patton Mindset, Overcoming Fear Teresea Patton

Lessons from a Gen-Xer

Generation X is the demographic force of nature born between the mid-1960s and early 1980s. My generation experienced such a shift in cultural, economic, and technological changes. These shaped (or warped) our personalities, work ethics, and values. 

If you know someone from this generation, they likely have some traits in common that make me…I mean us… seem like mythical creatures that can do anything they set their mind to - especially the Gen X women. 

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Mindset, Fear Teresea Patton Mindset, Fear Teresea Patton

7 Ways to Reframe Failure

Changing your thought patterns about failure doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a long process and a HUGE mindset change for us Americans that feel pressured to be the best at everything we do. 

You CAN do it though. I am a recovering perfectionist so I am proof that it is possible. 

The thing is, no matter how great we become or how much we improve, there is always going to be the fear of failure that intrudes into our thoughts. 

There will always be more we can learn to improve our lives and get closer to our happy place. Hopefully, I will help you on your journey. 

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Mindset, Coping with Change Teresea Patton Mindset, Coping with Change Teresea Patton

Change is Essential-3 Ways to Embrace it

You might be wondering why being prepared to embrace something newer or better in a willing and enthusiastic way is important.

Well, as you might remember from biology class, as humans, we are in a life cycle which takes us through a series of changes (not all better since puberty and menopause will happen as part of those changes).

Preparation gets you through to the other side!

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Mindset, Intuition, Women in Business, Leadership Teresea Patton Mindset, Intuition, Women in Business, Leadership Teresea Patton

5 Fearless Rules to Live By

The old ways aren’t working for me - the modern, intuitive, female entrepreneur. Rebecca encourages us to start digging into the path we are taking. It’s broken and difficult, so why are so many people still doing it that way? Afraid to try something new. The book speaks mostly to the author’s experience in the fashion industry but applies to SO many areas of life and business. 

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