Love Yourself the Most

So often we feel neglected and look to others to help fill the need we have for love and attention. What happens when there isn’t someone else to give you the attention and care you desire? We can range from a little clingy to reeking of desperation.

Treat yourself to a lot of love and attention.

Take time to love your life and what you have accomplished. You deserve to feel good and no one knows what makes you feel loved more than you!

When we love ourselves and our lives, it’s easier for others to love us. Not only do we feel more confident and secure, but it also shows in how we carry ourselves. 


Self-love keeps us from feeling super needy and dependent on others. This attracts others since they don’t get the “I’m going to cling to you like a leech” vibe after the first date.

Loving ourselves and our life, also our accomplishments, leave us feeling satisfied. This satisfaction will help us to have better mental health, physical health, and better relationships. 

Your appearance is a huge impact on your self-love. 

  • Wear clothes that make you feel good.

    • There’s nothing like an oversized shirt with a sexy shoulder to make you feel cute. This is one of my favorite things to pair with yoga pants around the house or skinny jeans if I’m heading out for errands.

  • Fix your hair in a fun hairstyle or change the color.

    • Out of ideas? Check Pinterest for inspiration. But I must warn you to set a timer or you will be down your 18th rabbit hole before you know it! 

Buy some earrings or other jewelry that makes you feel good when you wear them.

  • If they are custom made, all the better!

Take care of your body and mind!

  • Journaling can seem so hard some days but it always helps me clear my mind. The key is to have a pretty journal or one that can help you through some hard times. 

    • This process can help you identify areas that make you unhappy and you can start to work on a solution for them. 

    • I recently got this beauty from Nache Snow and I can’t wait to start The Life Cleanse Journal.

  • Move your body! I don’t care if it is stretching, walking around the block, training for a marathon…ANY activity is good. My go-to in this wonderful world of Covid is Yoga With Adrienne

    • She is quirky, great with explanations for the movements, and a lot of videos are 30 minutes or less. Perfect for lunchtime if you work from home. 

  • “Meditation is Medication” is something I have said a million times. Meditation is so good for your body and mind. I have a lot of blogs on this subject already so I would suggest starting with 5 Benefits of Meditation


When I’m stressed, I take 5-10 minutes to re-center by just closing my eyes, counting my deep breathes, and then I’m able to be in a better mood.

Breathing stops your mind from racing and helps you make decisions from a more rational, calm state of mind.

Your immediate environment impacts your mood.

  • If you are unhappy with the way your home or office looks, you will not be inclined to take breaks, smile, or feel productive if you have too much clutter surrounding you. 

  • Does your bedroom have an inviting bed or is it a shabby cover you have had for 12 years because you won’t let yourself spend $50 on something nice? 

    • Amazon has a ton of nice options. 

    • When you feel luxurious going to bed, you sleep better. I”m convinced that this is why I am sleeping better now than I have in the last 8 years. 

  • If you have a lot of clutter, dedicate an hour a day to cleaning it out. You will feel much better when it’s gone. You won’t end up with three containers of parsley when you declutter your cabinets every six months. (Parsley is just an example. There is absolutely NO TRUTH in saying I found many duplicate spices when I re-arranged my cabinets a few weeks ago.)

How do I know these things work?

I have never been the first person anyone gravitated to in a room. My RBF is the thing I’ll blame for that- haha!

I can say that now I am able to get at least 2-3 people to talk to me when I go somewhere. 

I don’t try to drag someone into a conversation but it usually happens. 

I totally attribute this to my confidence, my comfortability in my attire, and the power pieces I put on for the day. Don’t get it twisted, this didn’t happen overnight. It took many long days and nights to get to this point.*

*I would 10/10 recommend this kind of voyage for everyone.

Feeling good in my body and loving it comes from the time I have spent getting to know myself and my desires. Appreciating my body for the flexibility that comes from my yoga practice has been a huge impact on my self-love and self-worth journey. 

Having kids does crazy things to your body and there were times I was cruel to it because it didn’t look the same as pre-baby days. But as I learned at the beginning of this expedition, these flaws and marks are my tiger stripes. They make me who I am and show me and the world what I’ve been through.  

As always, I encourage you to learn how to love yourself, nourish your body and soul, and find things that make you smile.

There are days when I feel blah and then one of my cats will do something (usually scare themselves, fall off the couch, or get the zoomies) and I just laugh at them. That laughter is all I need to change my mood. 

Layering habits are great for you to be able to be consistent.

One way I know it is workout day is that I wear a pair of my comfortable yoga pants and tank top to start my day. Since I work from home and am rarely on video, it’s not a big deal but it’s always easy to slip on a nice shirt from 8-12 and then get a quick 30 minutes with Adrienne before putting that work shirt back on for 1-5 so I’m prepared for any video calls.

Let me know what habits you created to keep up your self-love and self-care. 

Peace and love,


Photo credit: Unsplash; Lee Wright


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