Readings for your journey

Pattoning Something New!

For 2 years I have split myself. It hasn’t been serving me from the beginning.

There was something in the back of my mind telling me I was working on goals and schedules that were not sustainable. I just had to get in the right groove, the right mindset, the right *insert next catchy buzz word here.I told that voice it was underestimating me and to sit back and quietly watch me do the impossible. When inside I was fighting against the current with all I had.

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career, accountability, Goal Setting Teresea Patton career, accountability, Goal Setting Teresea Patton

It Is Time For Your Mid-Year Check-Up!

Mid-year is good time to say "Hey Girl! Where are you?"

Accountability keeps you on track and to forgives you as you adjust some expectations if you went way overboard (GUILTY of that over here!). Also, you might have tried some things that didn’t work as planned and you need to take that into consideration for the remainder of the year.

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