Readings for your journey

Burnout, Boundaries Teresea Patton Burnout, Boundaries Teresea Patton

Find Your Actual Values

I’m so glad I started listening to what my body (some also call this intuition) was telling me. While the other values I listed earlier are important, they are not the ones that are the most important to me. The ones that make me feel happy, safe, and excited to be in a situation are…

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Burnout, Boundaries Teresea Patton Burnout, Boundaries Teresea Patton

A Lesson in Non-Baking

I was taught to be a pleaser. I used to force myself to go out. I did things I didn’t want to do to make others happy with me. Most of the time I didn’t care anything about the event I went to so I had to fake smile all effing night. This led to major burnout…

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