Let’s Patton it Together!

Have you heard those stories about “walking the walk?” 

Let me tell you something. 

It is NOT easy to do. 

We always give better advice to others than what we take for ourselves. 

One thing I’ve realized is that I never notice that exact moment or instance I’ve stopped taking my best advice. 

Typically it takes me a few months of feeling stretched too thin…

For 2 years I have split myself. It hasn’t been serving me from the beginning.

There was something in the back of my mind telling me I was working on goals and schedules that were not sustainable. I just had to get in the right groove, the right mindset, the right *insert next catchy buzz word here.I told that voice it was underestimating me and to sit back and quietly watch me do the impossible. When inside I was fighting against the current with all I had.

Burnout from life

During that same massage I referred to in an email the other day (if you aren’t on my email list you can fix that by going to the bottom of the page and signing up), there was a part that kinda hurt because my muscles were so tight. I took a deep breath and let it out thinking  “go through the hurt for the wonderfulness on the other side.” 

That is what I’m good at…going through the hurt for the wonderful growth on the other side. I’m good at asking “what is my lesson here?” Do I always like the lesson? Hell no! 

But I learn. 

I grow. 

I evolve.  

I’ve been growing and learning a lot and now I’m tired. 

I’ve been here before and I know what I need to do. 

I’m running away to Mexico where I can live on tacos and tequila for the rest of my days on earth. 

Seriously, that is the answer.

Ok, that is not the answer but I want it to be.

Honestly, it isn’t looking like it will ever be the answer. This girl has big dreams. 

I was so tired and kept asking myself when I was going to get to the other side. 

Then I realized I wasn’t going to get there. I was barely treading water. 

So, the real answer is a merger of my passions.

Meditation and mindset

Just like when the mom Teresea, the at-work Teresea, and the not-at-work Teresea merged to become a much happier person, this merger will bring more peace to my life. 

You didn’t know I had two businesses? Well, I’m not shocked. 

I got some bad advice, like that egg salad that has been outside at the picnic too long.

I didn’t really like the way it looked and smelled, but I shoveled that advice right in like it was the best thing I ever ate.

I was told “separate is better”...but we all know that doesn’t work for people.

So, why the hell did I think that was good for my career?  

Confidence. More specifically, the lack of it when it came to business. 

I wasn’t confident that I had enough talent to have a brand that was just about the things I know and like to learn about. 

For two years now, I have barely kept two businesses going. I have not been able to devote myself fully to either the way I want to. After much soul searching, I was brought back to why I started a side business in the first place. To make myself and others happy. 

Since I can remember, I have been a maker. My granny and I would go to the craft store and we tried it all! Wood wall hangings, ceramic ornaments, and those tacky hats/brooms everyone had in the ’80s. 

When I initially started my business, I was making jewelry and painting. A special piece of jewelry that empowers the person and makes them happy, confident, etc. was something I could do to make others happy. The way it made me feel alive was a bonus! It has also helped my soul to create in dark times. 

One especially dark time was when I was not creating. I was burnt out from working an unfulfilling job where I tried to be someone I wasn’t. Then I found “the work” as it’s called. Self-exploration, coaching, and education were “the work” that transformed my life. It was such a big change that I wanted to help others do the same.

Mindset coach

That Teresea was new to being a whole person. She was scared and unsure of how to live her own life in this new completeness, much less confident about starting a business.

So, that new Teresea didn’t follow what felt right…at first. 

There are so many benefits for me with this change…but I bet you are wondering a few things like:

  • What does this mean for me? 

  • Why does this benefit me?

  • How is that going to change what I get from you?

The answers are:

  • It means I am of much, much better use to you. 

  • I can be more consistent with the content I offer. Less overall content creation means better content.

  • There will be a much more comprehensive range of potential topics of interest as you get to know what makes me passionate about life besides helping others.

  • I will still blog, email, and post on the socials.

  • I am adding videos! The most significant feedback I get is “more video/audio please!”

What is this going to look like?

To be completely honest, I haven’t got it all figured out yet. But I’m working on it. In the last few months, I noticed things look way different than where I started. They will probably look different than they will look in 6-12 months. If not, then I’m not doing my job for you. 

Where do you find the information you want? Well, that’s simple! 

For now, there will still be Jewelry on https://www.instagram.com/creationsfromautumnscloset/ so if you want to know more about what I have been making for the last decade, go check it out. 

Peace and Love,


Photo credit: Lee Wright, Unsplash


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