Readings for your journey

Mindset, Overcoming Fear Teresea Patton Mindset, Overcoming Fear Teresea Patton

Lessons from a Gen-Xer

Generation X is the demographic force of nature born between the mid-1960s and early 1980s. My generation experienced such a shift in cultural, economic, and technological changes. These shaped (or warped) our personalities, work ethics, and values. 

If you know someone from this generation, they likely have some traits in common that make me…I mean us… seem like mythical creatures that can do anything they set their mind to - especially the Gen X women. 

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Overcoming Fear, self love Teresea Patton Overcoming Fear, self love Teresea Patton

Sacrifice Fear This Halloween

I invite you to look deep into your soul and ask yourself the following.

What am I putting first in my life that really would serve better as a sacrifice?

Is there something rational thoughts tell me is not working for me?

Why am I forcing myself to keep putting that thing first when I know love is better for my life?

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