What is love?

Merriam Webster has many definitions for this popular “L” word. The one that is most closely associated with the majority of the “acceptable societal view” is the definition of love as a strong affection for another- to hold dear. Almost all of the definitions refer to this feeling about another person or to be on the receiving end of this feeling from another.

I wonder why there is not a definition that includes affection for oneself. 

Maybe I missed it in the 20+ entries…

Are you pouring from an empty cup...that also has a hole in the bottom?

How many meltdowns before you take a day for yourself- before your body demands it?

It is often seen as selfish when women love themselves. WHY? IS? THAT?????

When you love yourself you show up confident but are seen as being arrogant. 

The “acceptable societal view” typically makes us feel bad for extending “that lovin’ feelin’” to ourselves. 

Love makes you feel great physically and emotionally amazing! It makes it easy to show up and feel like the magical unicorn version of you….you know which one I’m talking about. The one that rocks out ALL.THE.THINGS! 

How does one go about getting this *feeling* that can impact my...ummmm their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being? I’m just ummmm...asking for a friend. 

Unfortunately, there is no magical word, secret door, or specific way to hold your tongue when wishing on a star. It takes a strong person to develop this feeling. 

She needs to be able to set boundaries AND stick to them. There needs to be a strong, positive mindset to shine light into some dark corners. Honest inquiry to your thoughts and desires: Do you really like doing that or do you just do it out of habit? 

There should be no difference in the definition of love based on who the recipient is. The strong affection and holding dear, the enthusiasm, devotion and actively liking yourself should be equally acceptable as it is for another. 

coffee sunrise

Take time to learn how to make yourself happy. What do you like to do? What makes you smile? Do those things every day that you can! Read a book for pleasure. Do yoga in the park. Drink a $7 cup of coffee while watching the sunrise. Treat yourself right. Date yourself on occasion!

Let’s make our own definition of love. A deep affection and enthusiasm for something- especially one’s self. We’ll also have to have an alternate definition for the tennis enthusiasts. 

Don’t forget the benefits of self-love:

  • The aforementioned confidence and belief in all the awesomeness

  • Less stress and depressive thoughts

  • Happiness and enthusiasm 

  • Nourishment- for your body and mind

  • Connection

Today I challenge you to Love yourself at LEAST once today. 

Peace and Love,



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