Readings for your journey

meditation, self care Teresea Patton meditation, self care Teresea Patton

Meditate for Your Gray Matter 

Simply close those pretty little peepers of yours, take several deep, intentional breaths, and release the BS that is causing your thoughts to be jumbled. The big stuff comes back but you can deal with it better now that you have a clearer mind. Aim for 2-5 minutes when you start. This allows you to get used to sitting silently and without your phone.

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Grief, self care, depression Teresea Patton Grief, self care, depression Teresea Patton

Feelings Are Not For the Birds

When you grieve someone who is still alive you have the opportunity to run into them and grieve them over and over. I grieved the final death of family and loved ones. Those are final and hurt like a MF but thankfully you only lose each person once this way. Two of these lead me to lay in the middle of the kitchen floor, cheek to tile, eyes full of tears, trying to breathe.

Life has a way of giving you the experience (lemons) and forcing you to learn (to make lemonade) by throwing you into the deep end.

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self care, habits, healthy eating Teresea Patton self care, habits, healthy eating Teresea Patton

Self-Care Through Food

What is self-care anyway? Sounds woo woo.

I don’t think I ever heard that term until I was in my mid-20s. How could that be? Until it hit me, we as women are constantly putting ourselves LAST.

To this day, I still don’t know when my mom really takes a break and does something totally and completely for herself. Not sure I know for the other older women around me either.

But after everything I’ve learned since becoming a Certified Health Coach (CHC), I now know that,


Speaking of essential, it’s 2020 and everything is essential.

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self care, habits, self judgment Teresea Patton self care, habits, self judgment Teresea Patton

How are you keeping up with your mental health?

We’ve been in a global pandemic during an election year with major civil unrest around the world and a pretty abnormal school year for most of us so…I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a struggle some days. It’s been SEVEN LONG months of adjusting at my house. How about at yours? For most of us, any one of the things above are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the answer of “what’s been going on?” How are you REALLY doing?

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self care, self love, mindfulness, mindset, habits Teresea Patton self care, self love, mindfulness, mindset, habits Teresea Patton

6 Ways to Improve Your Self-Love

Women tend to put others and their happiness ahead of their own. This has been taught to us as children by our parents, who were taught that by their parents, and their parents’ parents. Just because that is how it has been done in the past does not mean we have to perpetuate the cycle of self-abuse.

So how do we break the cycle and start loving ourselves in the way that we will reap the benefits?

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meditation, mindfulness, self care Teresea Patton meditation, mindfulness, self care Teresea Patton

Intro to Meditation

We all need to recharge, relax, and get to a place we can think clearly.  There is scientific evidence that our bodies, minds, physical health, and our emotional and spiritual well-being all benefit from taking the time out to just breathe and clear our minds. Like many a wise woman has said “It is simple but not easy.”

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