Readings for your journey

Grief, self care, depression Teresea Patton Grief, self care, depression Teresea Patton

Feelings Are Not For the Birds

When you grieve someone who is still alive you have the opportunity to run into them and grieve them over and over. I grieved the final death of family and loved ones. Those are final and hurt like a MF but thankfully you only lose each person once this way. Two of these lead me to lay in the middle of the kitchen floor, cheek to tile, eyes full of tears, trying to breathe.

Life has a way of giving you the experience (lemons) and forcing you to learn (to make lemonade) by throwing you into the deep end.

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burnout, grief, depression Teresea Patton burnout, grief, depression Teresea Patton

Living Life “Half-ass” Leads to Your Best Life

Sometimes it’s ok to do something half-assed rather than not do it at all…I know that contradicts a lot of what “the experts” tell you. For most of the world, if a task is worth doing, you should do it to the best of your ability.

But what about when you are depressed and can barely function?

Lately, my motto has been “Get your clean underwear out of the F’n dryer and go on about your day!”

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