Intro to Meditation

Over the last few years, I have become interested in meditation as a way to calm my mind and body, clear my head, and listen to my spiritual creator. While I’m not always successful in achieving a “mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state,” I have seen a massive change in my overall well-being. These benefits are what I will share with you about meditation and it’s benefits over the next few weeks. 

woman meditating on a rock

With all the changes in 2020, I dug in and learned more about the real benefits of meditation and could see what an impact my mindset had on me every day compared to others that had NOT been working with these tools. I was blown away by how little I panicked and how little I felt impacted by the shut down. We will discuss that more later…

But first…a little introduction to meditation. 

What is meditation?

“Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.”

Where did meditation come from? 

Meditation is believed to have originated in India but has spread all over the world and meditation in some form is used in many religions. Prayer is meditation as you concentrate on what you are grateful for, areas you want to improve in, or something you want an answer to...then you wait for a response. The practice of meditation is also found in the rosary. You clear your mind of all that is not in the present and when you are finished, your mind is much more clear than before. 

Who should meditate?

Everyone. You, your partner, your friend, teens (LORD HELP THEM ALL TO MEDITATE FOR EMOTIONAL STABILITY!), and your coworkers. Don’t forget about your neighbor, your mom, your teenager, your siblings, and that grumpy guy that you see getting coffee all the time at work. Did I mention teenagers?

When should you meditate?

Multiple times per day! The best times are in the morning (so you start your day off with clarity and calmness), in the evening (to clear your mind from the day and allow deep sleep to enter), and anytime you feel stressed or overwhelmed throughout the day. You simply need to close your eyes, take several deep, intentional breaths, and release what is causing your thoughts to be jumbled. 


How long should I meditate?

This is hard to answer but aim for 5-10 minutes when you start out. This allows you to get used to sitting silently and without your phone. Proven results happen when you consistently spend 10 minutes a day meditation. Eventually, a good session length will be found for you as each person needs a little more/less time than others. 

Why is meditation helpful? 

We all need to recharge, relax, and get to a place we can think clearly.  There is scientific evidence that our bodies, minds, physical health, and our emotional and spiritual well-being all benefit from taking the time out to just breathe and clear our minds. Like many a wise woman has said “It is simple but not easy.” 

What types of meditation are there?

There are many types of meditation but the ones I like the most are:

  • Mindfulness meditation

  • Spiritual meditation

  • Guided meditation

  • Movement meditation

I will discuss these more as we go along. There is also more in-depth info in my Facebook group- join here.

Peace and love,


Photo credits: Unsplash


5 Benefits of Meditation