
I’m Gifted AF!!!

Or at least according to one of my dearest friends! 

Do you wonder why others can see our situation so much clearer than we see it? It’s all about honesty and vulnerability. 

You might be wondering how you can be more honest and vulnerable with someone else than you are with yourself...it’s easier than you think!!!

It works like this.

In one conversation you say something hard and true about your life. In another conversation, you say something ELSE hard and true about your life. So, in conversations 10-110, your friends piece together something you KNOW but aren’t willing to admit. This is especially true with abuse as we are often too ashamed to admit it...even when we give all the details to our friends then refuse to label it for what it is. 


A little bit ago my friend told me “I don’t know what is going on but I have some serious RAGE going on.” 

A few days went by and she mentioned how she was raging and yelling into the wide open yard like a woman that was about to thrash and scream her way through to the other side of something. 

After the next mention of this raging that included screaming and yelling...her trees are enjoying all that extra carbon dioxide I bet!!...I started thinking about what was really happening. 

My friend - we’ll call her Rosie the Rager - is not the typical loud southern woman and I don’t know that I’ve ever seen or heard her really raise her voice.


Like any good friend, I was concerned with her mental and physical health.

We are both getting to the age of the dreaded “M” word. I’ve heard the hormones of the “M” stage of women’s life can make you feel crazy.

I thought she was seeing herself going into the abyss of a place you can’t mentally recover from based on the very descriptive writing of these rage sessions...God how I love her very vivid descriptions!!! This felt serious. Different than the other amusing descriptions of her life and things she was going through.

As I was waiting to get my Covid vaccine, I got another message from Rosie the Rager about how she thought she was yelling off her weight (if this is true, Imma start yelling ASAP and get that last 20 off!!). She didn’t know why this was happening or where this was coming from. I could feel the chaos of feelings radiating from the phone. 


(Pre-Vaccine so I know it wasn’t the superpowers I will soon get from this scary vaccine. I wonder if I will be able to see people’s thoughts after this... JOKE! JOKE! Just some dark pandemic humor.)

I decided to respond with the first thing that popped into my head. I typed: 

“So...oddly enough I have a theory that might be out there BUT also could be right on point! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Your throat chakra might be trying to heal itself.” 

My sweet friend was pushed into silence and submission for SO long that now the path to healing requires action.


To heal, she needs to let all that rage, yelling, screeching, and howling out and let it out LOUD

My memory isn’t the greatest but not long ago she said "Hear me!! I'm MF'N Rosie the Rager" when a neighbor tried to intimidate her in her OWN driveway. I reminded her of this and typed excitedly “You are finally being heard!!!!” 

Sometimes it’s SO obvious what is happening but because we have not allowed ourselves to put that label on what has happened, have not allowed ourselves to clean the green haze of pollen off our glasses to SEE what is right there, or have not been exposed to the information needed to heal ourself, we suffer in silence....or in Rosie the Rager’s case, the lack of silence as she was finding her voice. 

While I want to take on the moniker of “Gifted AF” and add that to my signature going forward, I have to say it’s all education and intuition. I have spent years learning, listening to myself and others to collect the nuggets of wisdom like a greedy squirrel preparing for winter. My intuition tells me when to regurgitate what I have learned and how it applies to those I hope to help heal. 


How are you at listening to your story? 

Can you allow yourself to come to terms with what has happened to you in the past?

When unusual feelings and emotions come up, how do you work through them? 

Peace and love,


Photo credits: Unsplash and Lee Wright


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