Readings for your journey

Confidence Teresea Patton Confidence Teresea Patton

Why Your Choices Matter

So many times this is because we’re hiding our lack of control in another area and we are desperately trying to throw the “not good enough” scent off of us. And, we might not even know what is really going on. We are just surviving.

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Self Worth, Confidence, Empowerment Teresea Patton Self Worth, Confidence, Empowerment Teresea Patton

3 Ways to Boost Your Inner Feminine Juju!

Over the last decade, I have really dug into who I am, what I want, and how I feel about myself. Especially in the imperfectly perfect skin I’m in. Two divorces and two kids will absolutely make you rethink everything you thought you knew! For some of us, it happens sooner than others, but for me, that’s how long it took.

The year 2021 dealt me some blows. Hard shake you to the core blows. I have been lucky enough to know the above regimen well enough to know how impactful it is. In my dark time, I started with the first item.

Pay attention to how you feel after certain activities.

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self love, confidence, intuition Teresea Patton self love, confidence, intuition Teresea Patton

What does it mean to trust your gut?

What does it mean to trust your gut?

You know when you get the knot in your gut about a decision and later you regret that decision? That is your body, your intuition telling you NOT to do what you are about to do.

Why does this happen? It is your inner guide, your higher power, God, the universe...whatever you want to call it, it is telling you to PAY ATTENTION!

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