3 Ways to Boost Your Inner Feminine Juju!

Are you tired of feeling insecure and powerless? 

So many women feel this way. If this is you, I want to help you address it and help you send insecurity and powerlessness packing.

So many of us focus on the things that are supposed to make us feel feminine (hair, nails, clothes, etc). We chose to do what our friends or partner thinks makes us look good. 

Sorry honey, this is the wrong reason to do things. 

When you feel insecure and powerless, you are not in control of your life. You let others tell you what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. This not only impacts YOU but impacts others in your life including your partner, children, and friends. Living this false life builds a false sense of reality that often comes crashing down on us, leaving us buried in the rubble of a deep, dark depression. 

I won’t go too deep into statistics but according to NCBI, women make twice as many attempts at suicide as men but are only half as successful. The article leads one to believe it is based on gender-related vulnerability, social constructs and responsibility differences, mental health conditions, eating disorders, and sociocultural influences. Some of these we can impact greatly with our mindset and our actions. To name a few of the most common actions…therapy, medication, self-care (think more along the lines of food, sleep, and movement), and of course the pampering self-care. 

I am not a doctor so I cannot provide therapy or medication. 

Essential oils, yes (remember I am a hippie chick at heart). 

Tips on self-care, empowering actions, and pampering, YES! 

As I stated before,  I want to help you navigate some of the things you can control 100% on your own. You can keep your self-esteem, confidence, and empowered mindset in place with a few simple steps.

Don’t get me wrong! Simple does NOT mean easy peasy lemon squeezy at first. When you start eating healthy or taking a new medicine, why is it that you say “oh, I feel good now so I don’t need that (food/medicine) anymore.”

Ummmmmmmmm. Can you tell me WHY you are feeling good? Do you think it MIGHT be because of the food/medicine change? <insert an image of me looking over my glasses at you! I will work on having an actual one of these in the future.>

So. How do you know what actions to take to make you more confident and empowered? I’m glad you asked (at least I’m going to say you did)!!

Pay attention to how you feel after certain activities you say are for you. 

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you energized or drained by that lunch date?

  • Do you really enjoy getting your nails done every 2 weeks?

  • Do you feel like you could take on the world? Or like the Hulk body slammed you like he did Loki?

A journal is a great place to work out the answers to this if you do a review of your day/prior day.

What things make you excited JUST by the thought that you MIGHT do them? 

  • Talk about those things…they can show up out of nowhere.

  • Talking about fun things you are doing or want to do makes you your very own hype person!

  • Plan those that you can ASAP.

Do you have something that makes you feel strong (mentally or physically)? Do more of those things OR try something new! 

  • Enjoying what you do will keep you motivated to do more of those activities (maybe read those 47 books on the bookcase) and you will love the feeling after doing them.

  • Make your wants known. You might not be alone.

  • There’s nothing like a good yoga (insert your fav activity) class to make me feel mentally clear and like I could flex and my biceps look amazing. This might not be the case on the biceps, but feeling my muscles sure makes me feel strong AF! 

If all else fails, find something that makes you laugh. Smiling automatically makes you feel more confident.

What’s more empowering than feeling super sensual and feminine for someone in your life?

Doing it strictly for yourself. Not doing it for anyone else. That’s divine feminine empowerment at its best! 

If you asked me three or four years ago if I would ever do a boudoir photoshoot I would’ve laughed and said only in my dream! I thought you had to be a super sexy hot model according to society's standards. Why am I talking to you about the boudoir photoshoot that I did? Because it taught me a huge lesson and like always, I want to share so you can learn too!

Over the last decade, I have really dug into who I am, what I want, and how I feel about myself. Especially in the imperfectly perfect skin I’m in. Two divorces and two kids will absolutely make you rethink everything you thought you knew! For some of us, it happens sooner than others, but for me, that’s how long it took. 

The year 2021 dealt me some blows. Hard shake you to the core blows.

I have been lucky enough to know the above regimen well enough to know how impactful it is.

In my dark time, I started with the top item.

  • Pay attention to how you feel after certain activities. 

I felt like Loki, lying crushed on the living room floor. Every. Day.

What could I change?

I kept my eyes open and my quest for something new didn’t take long. 

  • What things make you excited JUST by the thought of them? 

Nothing excited me at that moment but I was looking at what the universe sent my way. A friend stopped by and told me she had just gotten some boudoir photos back. HOLY SH!T they were great. I was so inspired and could tell how sexy she felt. I could see the power radiating from her eyes! 

I said “OMG! These are awesome. I would LOVE to do some.” I looked up the photographer and followed her on IG. The pics kept it on my mind. 

Shortly after, a friend introduced me to her friend that is a photographer. I had seen pictures of their photoshoot and LOVED how he captured her. I wanted to capture ME. The real me. Not the “working at my computer, smiling me” because I don’t smile often when I type. She mentioned boudoir photoshoots as we talked about it in the past but I let it go. 

Then the universe sent a big “get off your ass and DO it” when I got a third message…so, I set a date for the session I never, I mean NEVER thought I would have the courage to do. 

Afterward, I walked around like I was a million-dollar model and you couldn’t get me down for nothing! To say my desire to complete tasks was high for the first time in a long time is an understatement. My depression? Well, that heifer took an extended vacation! I felt sexy and empowered. I had transformed from Loki to the Hulk. I was smashing it!

Trust me. I NAILED “Talking about fun things makes you your very own hype person!” From the minute it was on the calendar until it was over. And here I am STILL talking about it almost a month later…

  • Do more of the things you like to do. OR try something new! 

Um…So I nailed this one too. I tried something new. It has inspired me to do more of the things I want to do and want to try. I have been dying my hair a midnight blue for almost two years now as it makes me feel pretty.

I finally took the leap to get the tattoo I’ve wanted…December was a month for healing in many ways!

(Photo is fresh outta the shop and tattoo done by The Cuba Kid)

Y’all better watch out! My confidence and ego are riding high right now. It looks like I'm going to be scheduling that session for Axe Throwing soon. 

So, if you want to feel more confident and be a femininely empowered version of yourself, this is how.

Listen to yourself. Thoughts and emotions tell you when you are on the right track. Stay on the path that calls you. It doesn’t have to be the pavement or in a route that makes sense to others.

Talk about your energizing activities. Schedule them. Do them. If you don’t get the date set the first time God sends you an opportunity, it will come again. Don’t miss out on it!

When you find something that brings you joy, peace, happiness, and makes you feel strong, do it as much as you possibly can. Put down the phone or close the computer after reading this and look for your confidence-building action. 

Peace and love,


​Want less burnout in your life? Click here for a free guide to reducing burnout.

Photo credit: Unsplash, Lee Wright

Love Yourself the Most


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