Mind Your Mindset

Mindset is one of the biggest things you can control.

How do you mind your mindset? 

Are you tired of all the mental weight you carry every day?

This weighs us down and makes life a big drag. 

YOU, WE deserve better! 


I’m going to give you some tips that have been game changers. 

First, you have to understand it is your choice how you deal with or respond to something. Others may impact you initially but ultimately you decide how to feel, think, and respond. 

Who is in control? 

You have control most of the time. 

So what happens when you don’t have control?

Be gentle. You aren’t perfect.

You know I’m a huge fan of Gabby Bernstein

One of my mentors taught me about her. 

I’ve read several books of hers but not all..yet.

One of her techniques is Witness, Forgive, Choose Again.

You walk past a mirror naked and think Holy Shit!

Most women say that in a horrified tone rather than the one that makes you talk about it for weeks!

I get it. We look at that belly and compare it to the girl on the front of Playboy.


Instead of thinking “this thing gave me two babies” or “this belly has kept me alive all these years.”

Both of those feats are scientifically amazing!

To be honest, I initially didn’t like this photo of me because you can see my belly roll…but I like tacos and whiskey too much to ever have a flat belly. So, I choose to love it today!

We have to first notice that it was a shitty thought.

Then forgive ourselves for having that thought. 

That probably kept you safe at some point in your life. 

Then you chose the next thought..or maybe the next best thought.

I just pick the next thought as the best. 

That becomes my new mindset.

My body has gotten me through a lot of stuff.

It’s pretty awesome compared to what it could've looked like!

I tell myself thank you or rub my offending part and smile.

It sounds woo-woo, hippie-dippie I know…

But you know who I am so it should be no big surprise.

How often do you see the best version of you and/or your life?

It should be several times a week.

This means a combo I like to do with meditation and manifesting.

Let me tell you, if that house by the river in Italy comes true, I will buy you a coffee. 

I see that beautiful house with my garden overlooking the river.

I feel that excitement and joy at having made it to my dream life.

There is calm and peace there.

When I’m back to reality, I feel incredible. 

I get things done and take time in my garden.

It’s a day of bliss.

Ten times better than a valium.

What is your mindset goal? 

  • Can you reduce negative thoughts/self-talk?

  • Do you want to impact your mood? 

  • Do you have a role model? If so, what makes them special to you? 

  • Do you see these qualities in yourself? If not, how can you make a small shift to be a little more like them? 

No matter what your goal is, do these:

  • Set a gratitude/motivational alarm on your phone/calendar. Got this from Gabby B! 

  • Spend time one day a week doing something you love, that makes you feel calm. 

    • This does not include the SM Scroll

    • Sunlight will help out too.

Peace and love,


Photo credit: Unsplash; Lee Wright


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