Readings for your journey

career, authenticity, passionate living Teresea Patton career, authenticity, passionate living Teresea Patton

Choose Yourself

For many years I have felt a pull toward my version of freedom. 

After many years in successful but unfulfilling jobs, I started trying to figure out what was wrong with me. (It had to be me right?) Why didn’t I like the “good jobs” I had? Why did I feel so out of place? 

Then I realized I was a generic employee, leaving my talents at home.

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career, accountability, Goal Setting Teresea Patton career, accountability, Goal Setting Teresea Patton

It Is Time For Your Mid-Year Check-Up!

Mid-year is good time to say "Hey Girl! Where are you?"

Accountability keeps you on track and to forgives you as you adjust some expectations if you went way overboard (GUILTY of that over here!). Also, you might have tried some things that didn’t work as planned and you need to take that into consideration for the remainder of the year.

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How to chose a career that energizes you

Do you want a career that helps you play to your strengths? What about a career that is perfect for you? Finding a job that lights you up is easy but you then worry about making money. So you take a job that provides you the external benefits to pay bills, meet the mortgage obligation, etc.

At some point YOU made that decision so you can’t blame your teachers, bosses, and obligations for the situation you find yourself in. It is never too late to make a change that helps you build a successful (monetary as well as the intangible happiness that you seek) career and fulfilling life.

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