It Is Time For Your Mid-Year Check-Up!

Mid-year is a good time to say "Hey Girl! Where are you?"

Accountability keeps you on track and to forgives you as you adjust some expectations if you went way overboard (GUILTY of that over here!). Also, you might have tried some things that didn’t work as planned and you need to take that into consideration for the remainder of the year.

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No need to push forward on that major IG campaign if you find that Linked-In is really where your people are hanging out.

Here is a compiled list from the MANY, MANY, MANY courses, articles, podcasts, etc that I consume. I'm beginning to think I'm addicted to information consumption...seriously. If you talk to me in person, almost half of my stories start with "I was listening to this podcast the other day and heard..." or "I was reading this article on....the other day and..."

But, I digress.

Back to business and helping you be successful.

End of year review PRIOR to doing the below work on next year or mid year is helpful. I've decided after searching for my 2020 end of year review, I am going to try to keep all yearly goal setting and reviews in one spiral notebook. If you have a good system for reviews, let me know!

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Who did you want to be on 12/31/2020?

  • How many of the goals did you reach?

  • How many of the goals did you change?

  • What did you carry over into 2021?

Sometimes goals are big and it takes more than 12 months to get there. Think about some of the interviews you may have had where they asked what your 1, 3, and 5 year goals were. What you do in years 1-4 impacts the ability to achieve your year 5 goals. So if you "carry over" a goal or tweak it, that is TOTALLY fine and is how you achieve big things. Maybe it wasn't the right goal at the right time but is still the end result you want.

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Who do you want to be on 12/31/2021?

  • What will it take to get me there between now and 12/31/21?

  • Make a plan for that!

  • Ex: I am HERE and want to be THERE.

    • Add the why, how you want to feel, and then figure out the main steps needed.

Are you motivated or committed?

  • Your actions will determine this so you will need to assess the steps you are taking to reach your goals.

  • Schedule your actions for the goals you are working on.

  • What happens if you miss a goal? What is your reaction?

  • Plan for misses to avoid a tumble into the pit of self-loathing!

What are your obstacles?

  • List them.

  • Solve them (or at least identify some possible solutions to try out).

  • Do you need help to get over the obstacles?

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Be HONEST! We are amazing women but that doesn't mean we don't need help.

Time and energy are some of my main obstacles. So… I pay someone to cut my yard. I ask for help with other big tasks around the house. This helps to overcome the obstacles of having enough time and energy to do what I need to do for my business and my life.

Who is your competition?

  • List competitors.

  • Why did you choose this business/career path?

  • Why do you love this business/career path?

Let me know how you are doing. Do you have questions or need help reviewing the solutions for obstacles? If so, leave a comment below, and let's chat.

Peace and love,


Photo credit: Unsplash


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