7 Pandemic Life Changes People are Still Dealing With

Guest Blog by Jennifer Scott SpiritFinder.org

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Change. It’s a word that can invoke a variety of emotions. Change can be exciting, or it can be hard and nerve-wracking. In so many cases, it can be both of these things at once. Of course, we’ve all been dealing with an avalanche of change since the pandemic spread across the globe. Here’s how many people's lives have changed and how you can cope. 

Remember, no matter how chaotic the world may feel, you can stay in control of your life. If you're ready to make a change, consider working with life coach Teresea Patton to find the confidence and peaceful freedom you deserve. Reach out today for a complimentary chat!

Taking on Gig Work 

If your new business involves gig work, you’re in good company. Countless people have joined the gig economy over the last year, and that’s no surprise. After all, the demand for home deliveries and other gig services has skyrocketed with so many people staying home. If you need extra income right now, the gig economy could be a great way to line your bank account. 

Starting Home Businesses 

Whether it’s due to need or want, more people are venturing into the world of business ownership. Surprisingly, this could be the perfect time to take the leap yourself, since there are several business types that have been booming during the pandemic. It’s easier than ever to launch a business these days, and there are numerous online resources to help. For example, if you choose to establish an LLC in Tennessee to provide protection and savings for your business, you can handle this simply and affordably online.  

Dealing With Job Loss 

Many people are looking to launch a business or take advantage of gig opportunities as a result of layoffs due to COVID restrictions. If you’ve been impacted by this type of job loss, you should know that unemployment benefits have recently been ramped up by the federal government. You should also be able to sign up to receive a stimulus payment if you haven’t already. 

Figuring Out Finances 

Aside from benefits in the most recent stimulus package, you may be able to find relief via other channels. Because so many Americans are still struggling with their finances, creditors, utility providers, and other companies are offering assistance in the form of payment deferments and arrangements. Just be aware that you will likely need to make up those payments in the future. 

Being Away From Family 

No matter how introverted you are, being separated from your friends and family for months on end can do a real number on your mental health. It’s true that having all of this solo time has helped you recharge your batteries, but it may also be helpful to look for ways to stay connected. If you’ve been feeling isolated or lonely, consider setting up some virtual meetups with your circle. 

Staying Closer to Home 

Staying close to home may sound like paradise if you’re an introvert. However, being unable to get out of your house to shop, visit restaurants or parks, and keep up your routine can be a struggle for both extroverts and introverts. If you’ve been too anxious to venture out, know that public health experts agree that there are safe ways to take a break from your home. Not ready to step out? That’s okay too! You can still get groceries and essentials delivered. 

Adapting to New Norms

Okay, so this pretty much applies to each of the life changes already mentioned, but honestly, change and the “new normals” are what have been so unsettling for most people. You see, as humans, we tend to love our routines and habits. We get comfortable with them, and any disruption can be a recipe for anxiety and stress. Unfortunately, we’re likely to be contending with change for the foreseeable future, so be sure to make your mental health a priority

Change isn’t easy. Especially when you have no control over it. It’s one of the main reasons why we’ve all struggled during the global pandemic. With any hope, this crisis will soon come to an end, and we can get back to the norms and routines we love. Until then, we hope this guide will help keep you grounded as you continue to navigate changes in your own life. 

Photo Credit: Unsplash


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