Living Life “Half-ass” Leads to Your Best Life

Sometimes it’s ok to do something half-assed rather than not do it at all…I know that contradicts a lot of what “the experts” tell you. For most of the world, if a task is worth doing, you should do it to the best of your ability. 

What about when you are depressed and can barely function? 

Lately, my motto has been “Get your clean underwear out of the F’n dryer and go on about your day!” 

Getting dressed out of the clean pile of clothes waiting for you in the dryer is 10 times better than wearing the same clothes for three days in a row. If you “must finish” the laundry, you will likely be more stressed than doing it half-assed...that is IF you finish it. 

(Let’s not talk about the shame spiral you will get into if you have to rewash the clothes that sat there too long. Been there enough.)

The drain of the “have to” cycle does not allow you to get any relief. Feeling like a failure will keep you stressed and depressed. So...Mama T encourages you to do it half-ass, and keep moving for now.  

There are so many tips out there on how to get things done and when in that certain frame of mind...I can be sarcastically true about each one. 

Make a list of the top 3-5 things you want to get done in a day. 

  • Did they tell you that one of those can be “show up for my job” or “make dinner for the fam?” Probably not.

Do the hardest thing first. 

  • Ok, I’m out of bed so what do I do now?

Understand your priorities and set boundaries to get those things accomplished. 

  • Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE some boundaries but when your priority is just making it through the day, it’s hard to know how to set or enforce boundaries.

Put it all down on paper.

  • I can barely hold a pen so...doubt I could ever write it all down. 

But seriously.

There is a way to make this list get you results!

So let’s look at the half-ass way to do this. 

  • Make a list of the top 3-5 things you want to get done in a day. Make that list as basic as a Pumpkin Spice Latte in October! 

    • Show up for work. 

    • Pick up the kids from school.

    • Eat dinner (on paper plates so the clean-up is easy).

    • Shower before bed.

These things don’t seem like items on your normal to-do list but they are things you need to get done in a day and keep you moving forward. You can pay bills, your kids are safe, you are fed and clean. Solid day of wins in my humble opinion. 

  • Do the hardest thing first. 

    • Get out of bed.

Seriously. When feeling depressed or grieving this can feel like the biggest hurdle. Once you have accomplished this great feat, you have already done what you felt like you couldn’t do.

  • Understand your priorities and set boundaries to get those things accomplished. 

    • Go back to your list. These are your priorities.

    • Like I said, I LOVE some boundaries! This could be as easy as telling yourself “I can’t take calls from (insert whoever here) today” and then just ignoring their calls or sending a text that says you will talk to them tomorrow.

Boundaries are enforced however you want to enforce them: with or without words, with or without actions. You are in control.

Get your clean undies out of the dryer and, since you are already right there, put the dirty ones in the washer to wait until it’s full enough to start again. 

BAM- Spoken like a “lazy college student” but it works!

  • Put it all down on paper.

    • A journal or a list can work for this hack. 

I have a few suggestions on what “it” can be. “It” can be all the shit on your mind. “It” can be your list of overwhelming things to remember to do. “It” can be how much you want something different in your life. 

Letting it spill out on the paper and out of your head can give you a sense of relief.

You might decide you really don’t need to add “paint the house” to the list for a few months so why worry about it now? Then that item is off of the immediate list and you can see what really matters (financial means, food, safety, and being clean) and say see ya later to the rest.

And if you are in the woo-woo club like I am...putting out there that you want a job that allows you to have flexible hours, means you are bound to find a way to make that happen. It might mean you mention to your boss that you would like some more flexibility with work and they say ok we can make that happen.

So, sometimes you just have to do life half-assed to make it through. When you take the stress off, you give yourself grace and room to heal. When you are healed, feeling better, and back on your game, you can give yourself the thumbs up for getting yourself to a better place. 

Peace and Love,


Photo credits:; Lee Wright


Deck the Halls With Boundaries!


Are you a creature of habit or healing?