Readings for your journey

habits, productivity Teresea Patton habits, productivity Teresea Patton

My favorite stress busting activity at work

We always think about things we have to do at home to prepare for the holidays, but what about the things at work? We know there are always things that we’ve put off until we are preparing to go on vacation! and then they needed to be done yesterday. So what happens? We make a list.

AH…lists! This is the story of a love-hate relationship with productivity.

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How can we avoid professional burnout?

We all know a person (or persons) that has climbed the professional ladder at a speed that makes you wonder if they had wings. Watching them achieve, perform, and impress beyond anything we think is possible. Then they hit a wall and burnout or leave the organization. Do you wonder what causes professionals to burnout? The “honeymoon phase” ends and all the bad habits, lack of professional boundaries, and overwhelm come rushing in.

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