Readings for your journey

career, authenticity, passionate living Teresea Patton career, authenticity, passionate living Teresea Patton

Choose Yourself

For many years I have felt a pull toward my version of freedom. 

After many years in successful but unfulfilling jobs, I started trying to figure out what was wrong with me. (It had to be me right?) Why didn’t I like the “good jobs” I had? Why did I feel so out of place? 

Then I realized I was a generic employee, leaving my talents at home.

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Mindset, Coping with Change Teresea Patton Mindset, Coping with Change Teresea Patton

Change is Essential-3 Ways to Embrace it

You might be wondering why being prepared to embrace something newer or better in a willing and enthusiastic way is important.

Well, as you might remember from biology class, as humans, we are in a life cycle which takes us through a series of changes (not all better since puberty and menopause will happen as part of those changes).

Preparation gets you through to the other side!

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Why the Words You Use and the Habits You Choose Are Important

We are about to head into the holiday season so we are going to need a little extra help to be prepared and protect our health- mentally and physically. Do you know you could be hindering your progress without even knowing it??

If you are like me, you just said- “WHAT? Me? Getting in my own way? How could that be? I am the one that has the dream and wants to accomplish it so there’s no way that I would get in my own way.”

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