5 Benefits of Meditation

Now, what are the REAL benefits of making meditation part of your day?

We all need to get recharged at some point in the day. Meditation allows us to get charged, relaxed, and to a place to think more clearly. This can be done by achieving a place of silence or a place that gives us a new perspective. 

Many studies have shown that meditation improves our physical health by reducing stress and increasing the quality of sleep, emotional and spiritual well-being, lengthens attention span, can reduce/control pain, and the increased ability to cope with things that come your way. 

‘Get grounded” is something I say a lot to myself. This means I put my feet on the floor,  close my eyes, and start by breathing in as deep as I can and pushing the air out fast. It makes my body relax and if I’m really tense, it takes 2-3 of these to start to relax. After that, I use a mantra such as “relax,” “release,” or “let go” to start my grounding.

Reset your world.png

I think of it like a GFCI outlet. Once I’ve had a surge, I trip/get interrupted and have to push a button to get back to a functioning state.

Getting grounded is my “button” that has to be pushed to function normally. 

These are 5 things that improve with the “reset” of meditation on a regular basis. 

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety

  2. Better sleep

  3. Control pain

  4. Increased spiritual well being

  5. Longer attention span

I encourage you to spend 10 minutes a day in quiet reflection of yourself. Choose one of the meditation styles mentioned in last week’s newsletter.

There is also more in-depth info in my Facebook group. If you want to learn more- join here.

Peace and love,


Photo credits: Unsplash


10 Powerful Meditation Affirmations


Intro to Meditation