Readings for your journey

Burnout, Boundaries Teresea Patton Burnout, Boundaries Teresea Patton

Find Your Actual Values

I’m so glad I started listening to what my body (some also call this intuition) was telling me. While the other values I listed earlier are important, they are not the ones that are the most important to me. The ones that make me feel happy, safe, and excited to be in a situation are…

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burnout, career burnout, boundaries Teresea Patton burnout, career burnout, boundaries Teresea Patton

Avoiding burnout is like not watching a train wreck...

You see it coming (sometimes) and it's hard to stop the weeks, months, or years of events that got you to this point. Do you really want to get on the bullet train where things blur past and you can’t see what is happening around you?

How does it happen and what did I do about it? Better yet, what could I have done to slow down, stop, or hopefully avoid it happening?

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How can we avoid professional burnout?

We all know a person (or persons) that has climbed the professional ladder at a speed that makes you wonder if they had wings. Watching them achieve, perform, and impress beyond anything we think is possible. Then they hit a wall and burnout or leave the organization. Do you wonder what causes professionals to burnout? The “honeymoon phase” ends and all the bad habits, lack of professional boundaries, and overwhelm come rushing in.

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