September Self-Recovery Series


If you are not part of the Facebook Group (Passionate Lifers) to attend the September Event Series...You are missing out!

I’ll give you a taste of what is going on in there and I invite you to attend. The link is HERE.

Darcee Lee

Freelance Creative with MANY skills, including artist, graphic designer, mindset coach, and copyright expert helped us to to kick off the event series. She walk us through a Guided Meditation with some beautiful imagery and some powerful affirmations. She takes us to our safe, comfortable place where we take time to notice what all our senses notice about the place. We also have a curious moment of how our bodies feel and how we reacted to the surroundings our senses create.

She leaves us with several affirmations however I’m only leaving a sample below so you can see why you need to go check her out.

  • I am smarter than I give myself credit for

  • My mind is capable of some pretty incredible things even on my worst days

  • I don’t have to play small, those are someone else’s thoughts/fears

  • I am learning more and more of what I can do if I just show up for myself

  • I am SO powerful

  • I thrive through challenge 

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The other guests speak on Narcissism, Energizing Career Choices, Holistic Self-Care, Holistic and Healthy Eating and SO many more. You will need to either hop on over there to stay caught up…or wait for the weekly updates via the newsletter.

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Martha Burkhart

IG @


Martha Burkhart

A Life Coach that empowers women to show up as themselves and to break free from narcissistic and toxic relationships, Martha gives us some amazing tips on how to recognize and recover from codependency and narcissism. The most critical of these tips are:

  • There is a better way to live life.

  • There is hope!

One thing to keep in mind is that narcissists are found in all settings, work, home, in the marketplace, church, etc so you can’t exclude someone based on where you meet them.

Forms of abuse used by narcissists can be:

  • Emotional abuse

  • Verbal abuse

  • Gaslighting

  • Financial abuse

  • Spiritual abuse

  • Flying monkeys – people they get on their side (former friends/family members) to side with the narcissist against you

help and hope

If someone finds themselves in this type of relationship:

  • Find a therapist who is well-versed in NPD – therapists who are not familiar with NPD will not be able to help

  • Start working on your own healing through self-care

  • Find someone who can walk alongside you through this 

The last week of September I’ll be doing a Burnout to Bliss Training -it will last 5 days. You will get some valuable information EVERY DAY on how to start assessing your choices and habits that cause you burnout. We will work on changing those habits to help you be happier and healthier (mentally and physically!).

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If you were in my last training and want more, sign up for your FREE seat then hop on over to or sign up here.

Peace and love,


Photo Credit: Unsplash


How to chose a career that energizes you


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