Why do high performers fail to get promoted?

Sometimes as high performers, we are so focused on being busy

with doing things that we aren’t doing the right things to get the promotion we want.

If you are looking for a position in management, you need to show you can delegate, not complete all the tasks yourself. Your calendar is likely to get even more busy with a promotion as you are learning new skills, getting invited to more project groups, etc so you need to make sure your time is spent doing what you want to do. Take some time to do a calendar audit to see what you do in a day then see if it lines up with what you want to do in your day. 


If asked to help with a project at work, at your church, or for your community you will have to decide if you have the time for the commitment it will take. If it is something you feel strongly about doing (to get the promotion, to help the worthy cause, etc) then you will have to prioritize your time and delegate tasks you don’t have time to do or are not in your wheelhouse.

The way you prioritize your day will determine what task you can accomplish, what tasks you need help with, and will also allow you to get more done towards the overall goal. 

What happens when you get TWO amazing opportunities at the same time, due the same day, and feel equally important?

So...remember that suggestion to audit your calendar? Well, here it is again.

See if there is anything you can wrap up, delegate (maybe dinner delivery a few days a week?), or just that doesn’t bring you joy (the two hours of scrolling on Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook reading comments that you don’t really care about). The important things make the cut. 


How do you choose?

The important things make the cut!

As mentioned before, “The Big Leap,” introduces a very interesting outlook on time. Remember...if we live in Einsteinian time, we create the time we need to do what we want/need to do. If we live in a Newtonian time paradigm with the scarcity of time that keeps us in a constant state of saying we will be late, we won’t finish on time, we won’t have enough time...you get the picture, then we will make those things be accurate. 

Being aware of your thought patterns on the big stuff (time, money, and relationships) can help change your life faster than anything. This doesn’t mean you say “I have all the time in the world so I will put it off for a few hours.” You still work towards your goal but you are focused on getting it done by a specific deadline but not obsessing over the time it is taking. 

There is also fear. Fear is sneaky like a snake (for a funny sneaky snake click here). It can keep you from having the courage to apply for a position. It can cause you to waste your time on the wrong things because you think they are helping (like doing the project yourself instead of delegating) but you don’t see the big picture.


Embrace failure instead of fearing it.

Learn from your efforts rather than regret lack of effort.

One of the best ways to see what fear is holding you back is to ask for feedback from your peers and manager. Be open to what they tell you and make the effort to change your habits. Look at failure as a learning opportunity to grow rather than fearing failure. 

Peace and love,


Photo Credit: Unsplash


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