Readings for your journey

Building Habits, healthy eating Teresea Patton Building Habits, healthy eating Teresea Patton

My “Crazy” Diet

It all started about four years ago with the offer of more drugs…from my doctor. Thankfully it was followed by “I know that’s probably not what you want but it’s an option.”

When you do things differently people either love it or think you are crazy (or a little of both).

I was recently looking back at my notes on Find Your Why and while this was looked at in the view of business, it’s also applicable to other areas of your life with massive changes.

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self care, habits, healthy eating Teresea Patton self care, habits, healthy eating Teresea Patton

Self-Care Through Food

What is self-care anyway? Sounds woo woo.

I don’t think I ever heard that term until I was in my mid-20s. How could that be? Until it hit me, we as women are constantly putting ourselves LAST.

To this day, I still don’t know when my mom really takes a break and does something totally and completely for herself. Not sure I know for the other older women around me either.

But after everything I’ve learned since becoming a Certified Health Coach (CHC), I now know that,


Speaking of essential, it’s 2020 and everything is essential.

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