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Rise Up- Take Ownership of You

  • Patton a Passionate Life Chattanooga, TN 37412 USA (map)

Rise Up- 8 Weeks to

Take Ownership of You

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Are you tired of setting resolutions that don’t produce the life-changing effects you expected?

Do you roll your eyes and gag a little when you hear “New Year, New YOU” every December through January?

If so, this is where you belong! We think New Year’s Resolutions are BS and do NOT set you up for success. Habits are hard to break but when you have the right habits, life is easy peasy and you do the beneficial things without thinking about them. 

How often do you whine about brushing your teeth? You’ve probably been doing it most of your life and don’t even realize it is a habit - we typically think of habits as something bad and should be stopped. That isn’t always true.

Why can’t the rest of your life be that easy and automatic? IT CAN!!!! 

You can be productive AND healthy by changing your mindset and your habits!

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Want to know how you can accomplish this? 

With our help you will learn how to:

  • Rewrite your story so you can have the confidence to properly execute your goals. 

  • Release obstacles that hold you back from changing habits. 

  • Focus on what you CAN do rather than what you can’t do to make massive progress.

You'll have not one, but two coaches to hold you accountable and guide you through each week. This 8-week program will provide you with tools to help elevate your goal setting in a way that results in achieving your goals more effectively than those stressful resolutions. 

What's Included?

  • 8 Week Group Coaching

  • 2 Coaches

  • 2 Bonus Guest Speakers

  • Email Support

  • Community via Slack

  • DFY (done for you) Material

Weekly Breakdown

  • Week 1: Mindset + Kitchen Clean Up

  • Week 2: Execution + Feeling Prepared with Food

  • Week 3: Time Management + Creating your Bulk Section

  • Week 4: Recap.

  • Week 5: Beyond Creatures of Habit + Meal Prep & Plan

  • Week 6: Batching--> Tasks & Food

  • Week 7: Check-In (Live Coaching Session)

  • Week 8: Carry it Forward

There are only 10 spots available for this special offer and is offered for this one-time price of $297. You don’t want to miss out on this package!

Demi & Teresea have come together to help you build the confidence to properly execute your goals. Let me introduce you to the DYNAMIC DUO that will teach you how to take ownership of YOU!


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Demi began her plant-based journey as a way to lose weight, but it became so much more than that. After experiencing and realizing food has everything to do with how our body feels, she became a Certified Health Coach with another certification in Plant-Based Nutrition. 


Now, she helps her clients break away the confusion around food, lose their bloat, and make plant-based eating not only tasty, but also easy!


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Teresea is a creative hippie mama that thrives on helping others and getting things done that help her enjoy life to the fullest! She is a women’s empowerment guide because of the passion she has, she shares the lessons that have helped her during some of the most challenging times in her life.


What’s an Empowerment Guide?


An empowerment guide is someone (Teresea) who helps you find ways to shed light on the things that need to be shifted in order to become a stronger, more confident individual so that you can be more effective and happier in your life. 


Are you ready to get started? If so sign up here

Still have questions? Either reply to this email or set up some time on the calendar for us to chat.  

January 9

Have Her Back Coffee Chat

January 30

Have Her Back Coffee Chat