Patton a Passionate Life

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Shower Thoughts…Part One-Shampoo

Hey girl!! you need a shower?

Wait! I'm not saying you smell bad.

I’m not talking about the kind where you clean your body...the kind where you clean and renew your soul! I heard someone say the other day “there’s nothing like a good shower cry.” All the women were like OMG YES!!!! That is the best!

They were right...there’s no better place to cry your heart out than in the shower!

When we are in this place, so much magic happens. I feel like all the world’s issues can be solved here - or at least the issues in my area world. I'm still trying to figure out world peace and ending global hunger! If you feel me but don’t know exactly why this seems to be true...keep reading!

Eventually, I realized WHY it was so awesome and then immediately was scared to talk about it. I know I gotta say it though so here goes.

This environment forces you to be totally naked and exposed. That’s not typically an experience or feeling we have anywhere.

Going further down the rabbit hole, I explored the mental and physical aspects of renewal while in the shower. 

Our mental renewal comes from having a small space where there are no obligations (other than remembering to shave your pits). No one can see us when we close that curtain. It is like a secret door to escape the day from hell or the stressful sound of your neighbor’s dog barking. 

The shower is a quiet is quiet yet also drowns out all the other sounds in your house. A true paradox!

Here in this sacred mist of hot water (yes, we all know hot water is bad for your skin but that is what lotion is for!!) we find strength, renewal, safety, and security despite being naked, vulnerable, and alone! We find solace in what scares us everywhere else in the world...interesting. 

I’ve noticed more resistance to showering (and have heard others say something similar) during the pandemic. I had even more thoughts on that (we already feel vulnerable and alone so why do we want to spend even more time like that? do we think that it’s too much “work” because we have some depression going on? Is it just one more thing on our list that feels pointless as we examine our life in this break from our normal activities?)...maybe there will end up being another installation on that. 

When people meditate, by “people” I usually mean “me” as I tend to do research on areas that are applicable to me. When you start getting blogs or emails about math and physics from me, it’s probably going to be a scam! So, like I was saying, meditating is to reach a place where the mind is clear enough that it can find the solution it needs for the myriad of problems it is trying to solve. 

I hear there is a waterproof notepad so I must not be the first to realize that is where I get to do a brain dump for the day. Hopefully, Santa sees this as a must need for my Christmas list as well as yours!!! 

I asked my main squeeze about his shower experience and it is totally not the same. Relax, get off the dirt, and get out. No shower crying...I guess it’s like baseball for men. 

Hold on to your hats! Super Nerd Teresea is coming in HOT! See the next installment of the blog for more!

Peace and love,


Photo credit: Unsplash