Patton a Passionate Life

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Sacrifice Fear This Halloween

To Be Happy, We Must Sacrifice 40 Virgins Under the Full Moon

For most of us, that sounds ridiculous. And hard to do…where will you find 40 virgins?

And getting all the bindings for 40 people would for sure get you on a watch list somewhere.

Halloween is my favorite time of the year. I love seeing all the costumes and decorations. The movies are creepy and gory. 

I have no idea why I like those things as much as I do but I do. 

For me, sacrifice has multiple meanings. All result in pain. The movies make it look like there is something beautiful about sacrifice.

While there is beauty to be found in living with the results of your actions, you want them to be the right results. Sacrificing our well-being to the Fear God is not the way to happiness.

Thinking about the spooky season, I always think about the way people assume evil, ritual sacrifices take place by the light of the full moon, by people wearing black and standing around a bonfire. This year the full moon was early in October but I still want to make a sacrifice for the season.

If you watch some of the horror movies I referenced, you may see that some people try the same things over and over again. They never break free or find a hiding place that keeps them safe. The psychopathic killer always finds them, traps them, then kills them. 

Fear is a psychopathic killer for many of us. We have a hard time successfully hiding from fear for a very long. It finds us and tortures us, often killing our dreams and desires. 

Fear will be the victim I sacrifice. Fear has spent enough time as my highest valued protector. Going forward, love will be my highest valued protector.

​You have lived with fear. Your ego has used fear to keep you in the box it wants you in. Every time you’re willing to see things differently you build the strength to bust out of the box. No lifting the lid just to be smashed back down. Bust out! That way the box cannot be a confined place for you anymore. 

Over the years I’ve missed choosing love and chose my ego. I’m sure I pushed the ones away I loved and that loved me out of fear. 

Fear of being left behind as they grew (never thinking about my growth). Fear of not being loved for an extended time. Like a new toy that lost its appeal.

Fear that money was evil and I wanted it but hated myself for wanting it. I didn’t realize that having money would lead me to having more options and opportunities that were good. I choose my actions and how I spend my money outside of items that I need for survival (utilities, gas, etc.).

I could build the Death Star or a fleet X-Wings that can destroy the evil Death Star. 

In my life, there has always been the fear that not working hard enough would lead to not having the basics, much less any luxuries. 

I did the best I could but as the amazing Dr. Maya says “Now that I know better, I do better.” 

There may be more than fear you need to sacrifice. What will it be?

Skepticism, cynicism, self-destructive habits, or self-deprecating comments.

I invite you to look deep into your soul and ask yourself the following.

  • What am I putting first in my life that really would serve better as a sacrifice?

  • Is there something rational thoughts tell me is not working for me?

  • Why am I forcing myself to keep putting that thing first when I know love is better for my life?

Peace and Love,


Photo Credit: Lee Wright,