Patton a Passionate Life

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5 Benefits of Meditation

We all need to get recharged at some point in the day. Meditation allows us to get charged, relaxed, and to a place to think more clearly. This can be done by achieving a place of silence or a place that gives us a new perspective. 

Many studies have shown that meditation improves our physical health by reducing stress and increasing the quality of sleep, emotional and spiritual well-being, lengthens attention span, can reduce/control pain, and the increased ability to cope with things that come your way. 

‘Get grounded” is something I say a lot to myself. This means I put my feet on the floor,  close my eyes, and start by breathing in as deep as I can and pushing the air out fast. It makes my body relax and if I’m really tense, it takes 2-3 of these to start to relax. After that, I use a mantra such as “relax,” “release,” or “let go” to start my grounding.

These are 5 things that improve with the “reset” of meditation on a regular basis. 

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety

  2. Better sleep

  3. Control pain

  4. Increased spiritual well being

  5. Longer attention span

I encourage you to spend 10 minutes a day in quiet reflection of yourself. Choose one of the meditation styles mentioned in last week’s newsletter.

There is also more in-depth info in my Facebook group. If you want to learn more- join here.

Peace and love,


Photo credits: Unsplash