Patton a Passionate Life

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Jewelry or Coaching? 

That is the most common question I’m asked as a multipassionate entrepreneur. 

The answer is…both!

My friend said the other she couldn’t tell what lights me up more, the jewelry or the coaching. At first, it felt hard for me to pick. I love them both very differently. 

I get energized by talking to (aka coaching) people and helping them to figure out what's going on with themselves, to learn more about themselves so they learn how to get solutions. Helping other women really excites me and lights me. I love hearing them tell me about success with talking to their friend or partner about a situation and how the outcome was not as terrible as they built it up to be before. 

Sometimes being with others drains me because I'm an introvert. I don't gain energy by being with other people. Well, I do if it’s people I have good relationships with, intimate relationships. I don't mean sexually intimate, the “we're on the same page” kind of closeness. 

I’ve learned that people I have good, deep conversations with (not some surface bullshit, those are draining as fuck to me), someone who I can really connect with... those are the people that really energized me. 

Designing and making jewelry energizes me in a way that's almost like recharging. I would almost say I'm obsessed with it because I think about it a lot. I constantly wonder…

  • Could make that?

  • Can put those beads together? How would that look?

  • If I macrame the bracelet that way or if I put that on a bracelet, how am I going to tie that off? 

  • What are some other options? I don't like that one. 

My mind is running a never-ending loop of possible ideas. And it feels like my job to make them all happen.

Photo Credit: Lee Wright

I don't know how much that is just my creative soul because I do the same with beautiful scenery outside. I'll say to myself “Man that would make a really good painting”, or, “I need a picture of that.” I'll have every intention of painting it later but I know my painting won't do it justice. 

Also, it's the added benefit of adornment, which I think is really, really something I've struggled with over the years to be honest. 

As a woman in this society, we're supposed to look a certain way. We're supposed to act a certain way. We're supposed to wear the right things. I’ve been watching people for a long time, looking for things that I liked versus what was trendy. I was trying to find myself

When I was working in restaurants. I didn't buy as much cheap fast (trendy) jewelry, because I didn't want to look like everybody else. I enjoyed being the girl behind the bar with pigtails, Doc Martens, and the shortest jean skirt I could get away with at work!

Before I really got into jewelry making. I just bought the cheap shit at the store and I was like well it works for the corporate world. Again, I was trying to fit in and it didn’t work for me. 

So it all kind of goes together (life coaching and jewelry design). It's about what makes you feel alive and appreciated and special! Whether that's your relationship with yourself, with your partner, or with the people who see you for who you are in your soul…that is what I want to be part of. 

That spark I get from helping others with their internal or external improvement reenergizes me from dealing with the world.

They both energize me, just in very different ways.

Photo Credit: upsplash

The more people I talk to (coaching and just in life), I realize a lot don’t have a creative outlet or hobbies, and some don’t even know what they would do for fun if they could. It seems like as an adult with a “real job” and kids, we often put fun on the shelf in the catch-all closet and shove it way back in the corner. 

We forget to have fun and enjoy our lives because we put others first, especially as women. The career, partner, kids, pets, etc. WHY do we drastically shift our lives to accommodate these things instead of incorporating them into our already fun lives? 

Because that would require planning time without the (insert the distraction we are letting interfere), it would require a pet/babysitter. It would require us to tell our boss or partner that we can’t do something they asked us to because we have plans…heaven forbid, for something fun!

I LOVE to help others find that energizing, creative spark.

That might be my purpose in life or in this season. Either way, I’m enjoying the ride. 

(The logo below is from a series I did exploring creative projects. The replays are on YouTube)

Creativity isn’t just traditional art. It’s gardening, making a beautiful lattice crust pie (save me a slice!), and according to the Oxford dictionary, it’s using your imagination.

So, what ideas do you think during the day? If they are about making and producing things…you are already on a creative track!

Here’s a secret…I hate starting from scratch on an Excel sheet.

Ok, maybe not so much of a secret but it’s true! When someone has a beautifully crafted Excel sheet that runs like a well-oiled machine, I want it. My eyes light up and I think, “That’s pretty! I could use something like that.” It’s all how the labels and colors and formulas are put together that make it a beautiful creation. If that is your jam, people like me appreciate your art! 

Peace and love,


Photo credit: Unsplash; Lee Wright