How Taurus Traits and Qualities Can Help You Thrive

Taurus: earth sign known for its strong and steady nature. 

I find astrology fascinating and of course, every individual has their own unique qualities, but there is always something we can learn from the vast universe. 

Individuals born under Taurus (April 20-May20) are known for being practical, loyal, and determined. They also have an appreciation of beauty, whether it's in nature, art, or personal aesthetics. I bet you can see how those traits can be used to achieve personal and professional success. No? Let me help you then.



Being practical and having a grounded nature lets you be methodical and think through situations logically. This is a must in today’s return to the office. Where can you park and find your car after 8 hours or more of staring at the computer, chatting with people, or attending meetings? We won’t talk about how many of those could be an email. 

Having the ability to plan and navigate the day is helpful for work (even if you work for yourself), getting the kids out the door, or running the household. No matter your sign, you can do this and be more reliable than death and taxes. 

How to be practical:

  • Take time to think about the pros and cons of a situation or decision. Is taking a hammer to the leaking faucet going to be better than watching a Pirate Handyman on YouTube and following his advice? 

  • Is your plan actually able to work in the time you have? Unless you are a speed reader, you probably can’t get an entire book read after working all day, making dinner, and attempting any other activity. 


Taurus (AKA Bull) has only one rival in this category. The Sagittarius (yours truly). Setting their mind to something is as good as getting it done. Their determination is unwavering and keeps them focused on their goals, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks. “Eyes on the Prize” is their motto.

My kid is a Taurus and boy oh boy is she patient and persistent when there is something she wants. This determination and how she uses it will help as she continues to pursue short or long-term goals and projects.

How can you focus with determination?

  • Make the goal important to you. Don’t make everything equally important or nothing gets accomplished but creating overwhelm.

  • Be persistent. It doesn’t have to happen immediately. Think about the garden. It takes time and effort and yields great results when given what it needs. 



Loyalty and devotion to those you care about creates amazing personal relationships. If you own a business, you want a client base full of Tauruses to love and promote you. Being committed and dependable creates valuable stability in personal and professional relationships.

Think about a leader you know. Do they give you a sense of being committed to you and your organization? If not, you might need to be that person for someone else. We are all leaders and can exhibit loyalty and dependability to support our loved ones.

How can you refine your loyalty?

  • Find someone or something that has your same values.

  • Only pick projects to manage that you feel connected to when possible.

Appreciation of Beauty

Having a deep appreciation for beauty, whether it's in art, nature, or personal aesthetics is helpful in many pursuits, especially the creative kind. The ability to draw inspiration from your surroundings helps you solve problems and feels amazing! 

Tips for more appreciation:

  • Create an aesthetically pleasing environment at home or workplace.

  • Look at something a second longer to really see it.



Being sensitive and having emotional depth can be challenging at times but can be a strength in most situations. The ability to connect with others on a deeper level is a quality that is disappearing from our society. The lack of this quality can be why so many people are seeing a decline in romantic relationships where individuals need emotional support and understanding. 

Grow your sensitivity and emotional depth by

  • Listening to your loved ones and others to understand their needs rather than waiting to give advice. 

  • Allow your emotions to be known by those you love. 

Practicality, determination, loyalty, appreciation of beauty, and sensitivity are qualities that can help anyone stay focused on their goals and more. By embracing these qualities, we can live like a Taurus and thrive in various aspects of our lives.

Things to remember about being Taurus-like:

  • Take time to think about the pros and cons of a situation or decision.

  • Consider the time you have, not what you want to cram into it.

  • Make the goal important to you.

  • Be persistent.

  • Find someone or something that has the same values.

  • Only pick projects to manage that you feel connected to when possible.

  • Create an aesthetically pleasing environment at home or workplace.

  • Look at something a second longer to really see it.

  • Listen to others to understand their needs rather than waiting to give advice. 

  • Allow your emotions to be known by those you love. 

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Peace and love,


Photo credit: Unsplash; Lee Wright


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